
Re: Pond liners

Additional to rinsing the powder off roofing rubber (is neoprene the same
thing as EDPM -- or do I mean EPDM?), be careful to get the kind NOT
treated with an algecide.  Algae, after all, is one normal kind of pond life
and poison (-cide) is poison!


Article 20371 of rec.gardens:
Path: samba.oit.unc.edu!concert!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!ogicse!qiclab!therose!postmaster
From: Jack.Honeycutt@f52.n105.z1.fidonet.org (Jack Honeycutt)
Newsgroups: rec.gardens
Subject: Pond Liners and UV light
Message-ID: <743738491.AA02307@therose.pdx.com>
Date: 26 Jul 93 09:37:40 GMT
Article-I.D.: therose.743738491.AA02307
Sender: postmaster@therose.pdx.com
Lines: 15

Hello Russell!

21 Jul 93, Russell Randolph writes to All:

 RR> On the other hand, if EPDM isn't bothered by the UV, I don't want to
 RR> about this.

 RR> Any thoughts?

One of the most outstanding things about EPDM is that it can withstand UV
light.  Unlike PVC pond liners, you do not need to protect it from the full
sun.  If you are using 30 Ml or better, it will last a lifetime.


Article 20372 of rec.gardens:
Path: samba.oit.unc.edu!concert!gatech!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!ogicse!qiclab!therose!postmaster
From: Jack.Honeycutt@f52.n105.z1.fidonet.org (Jack Honeycutt)
Newsgroups: rec.gardens
Subject: Pond Liners and UV light (long)
Message-ID: <743738491.AA02308@therose.pdx.com>
Date: 26 Jul 93 09:41:26 GMT
Article-I.D.: therose.743738491.AA02308
Sender: postmaster@therose.pdx.com
Lines: 29

Hello Lance!

21 Jul 93, Lance R. Bailey writes to All:

 >> I am going to use EPDM as a pond liner, and am wondering about how well
 >> you have to prevent direct sun from hitting it.  One solution is to
 >> up the EPDM around the edge of the pond.  This way the sun will never hit
 >> the real liner.

 LRB> There are a number of reasons to keep the sun from shining on your pond
 LRB> liner. First off, liners are not particularly pretty,


 LRB> and secondly the
 LRB> sun can/will decay the liner over time.

Also true for PVC or other liners.  But EPDM and Butyl will outlast you and me
in the full sun.  EPDM's main claim to fame is that it is used as a roofing
material under full sun.  It will not break down under UV light.  That is what
it was made for.

Philip Swindells is the presiden of the International Water Lily Society and
you may want to look at his book "The Complete Book of Water Gardening"
Another good book is "The Stapeley book of Water Gardens".  I am told that the
new Ortho guide to ponds talks about EPDM as well.


..."faqs)
net-resources1	rec.ponds How.Green.Is.Your.Pondrec.ponds.proto-faqfw-clams.algaeazollaHazolla.request4infoSubject: GPS and Prescription Agriculture
Date: 21 Jan 92 14:48:09 GMT

Background:  Prescription agriculture is a method of farming where instead
             of seeding/fertilizing/spraying the same amount over an entire
             field, an amount appropriate for the slope and soil is applied.
             This can be done by mapping the field and then using the map
             to guide application.  A key difficulty is in knowing where the
             tractor is on the field.  The global positioning system (GPS)
             uses an ensemble of satellites sending coded information to
             triangulate the latitude, longitude, and altitude of a receiver
             to within a few feet. GPS receivers are down to about $1500.

Question:    Are there any Prescription Agriculture GPS papers in recent
             conference proceedings or journals?  I am aware of only one
             project in this area and it is being done by a farmer in
