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Full Circle Organic Farm 6/4/97

Your Week's Worth    6/04/97
from Full Circle Organic Farm, Auburn, CA (916) 885-9201
1 lb   Mesclun salad 
1 bu  Mei Qing Pac Choi
1 bu  Kohlrabi 
1 lb   Emperor broccoli 
1 bu  Bolero carrots
1 bu  Sparkler radish 
1 pt   Fern strawberries
1 lb   Peaches
1 bu  Epazote (Mexican bean herb)

Fruitful Beginnings
   The peaches are from the Miyamura orchard in Penryn.  It was untouched the
year after Kaye's death and has been managed organically by Bryan Kaminsky
and Steve Pilz for the last two years.  Next year, the fruit will be
registered with the state.
  This rain is the absolute PITS on strawberries.  To those of you lucky
enough to get some this week, eat them now.  They're good, they're ripe, but,
they will have almost no shelf life.
  In other weather related disappointments, the first broccoli planting,
which we are now picking, is trying to become flowers rather than heads.  It
is less than beautiful but still tastes wonderful.  The reason for this
floral exuberance is the cold snap we had just after we transplanted these
guys coupled with the above average highs.  These events fooled the broccoli
into thinking it was time to flower.  Hopefully, the next planting won't be
similarly affected.
  We have started cutting a new mesclun patch this week.  The eggplant have
started blooming and summer squash, and the pepper plants have doubled in
  We are still behind in bed preparation because of rocks we are
encountering.  Give us a call if you can help pick rocks.