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Re: needing numbers

	I make half my income on the nursery part of the business, selling
vegetable starts mostly, but some herbs and flowers too. All of those
sales happen from the end of March til mid June, at a self serve stand at
my house. A lot of people here garden and I don't think I lose many
produce sales because I also sell the plants. As we all know, its not that
easy. I sell starts of varieties that I have trialed, mostly heirlooms,
and they are very nice plants. What I don't sell I plant, and I do a salad
mix with 60 ingredients so all that variety is a big draw. I sell mixed 4
packs of 4 var. lettuce, 4 var. Ital. greens, 4 var. Asian greens, etc.
Once people get used to seeing all that lovely delicious stuff in their
gardens it is hard to go back to the 6 packs from the grocery store. Also
this is a small comunity so people feel free to call me or stop me in the
library to ask about what they have planted, esp. tomatoes (always a
challenge in the NW). Doing all that nursery stock when I need to plant
here makes spring such a major haul, but I make the money I need for
startup for the next year and for the winter. I like knowing in mid June
that I can do it again next year! I do end up with less production in July
than I like, but by August things are up to speed again. I do all starts
for my plantings, and if you do as well, and esp. if you have more than
one person, it can be a real help.  Michelle

Michelle Crawford, Pacific Potager, organic farm and nursery,          
27918 Vashon Hwy SW Vashon, WA 98070

On Sat, 26 Jul 1997 RfarmChico@aol.com wrote:

> I'm kinda new to e-mail/list/web but I think alot of information is being
> passed around out of sight. I posted a note on "Tools for Small CSA's" and I
> think alot of good information and response went directly to me.
> Well I think this list is a good tool, but only if us CSAers and wannabees use
>  it so it can be used. Post it to the list!
> So I got this note, that I don't know if you all got, that asked about CSA
> net. During the two years I switched from farmers markets to strictly CSA I
> grossed 13,000 to 15,000 and netted 2,500 to 3,000. = Not enough. I am now
> doing both. I'd say a one person operation netting 10 thousand deserves a
> real word of congradulations! 
> Post it to the net!!!
> Wanna be your buddy
> Richard Roth
> R farm
