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Full Circle Organic Farm 8/6/97

Your Week's Worth    8/06/97
from Full Circle Organic Farm, Auburn, CA (916) 885-9201 
1 bu     Ruby Chard   2 lb    Yukon Gold potatoes
1 bu     Nelson carrots  1        Mickey Lee watermelon!
1 lb      Stockton Red  onions 1 lb      Tomatoes
1 ea  Eggplant --   Neon
2 lb       Mixed summer squash
2           Sweet peppers - colored, 
4  Pablano (New Mexican) Chilies - 
1 ea      Armenian cucumber
2+ lb    Flame Seedless grapes
1 bu     Purple Ruffles basil & Italian parsley

Watermelons and Big Rainbows!
   Our children have come home to feed us! In spring, we start melon plants
for J.R. and Claudia Smith's Blossom Hill Farm in Auburn.  These lovely folks
organically grow some of the finest melons in the county.  This year, we
traded the labor of starting the plants for fruit in -season.  Here's the
first, enjoy!
  Phil and Bev Jones across the road have organic potatoes available again,
 Those who were with us last year know how tasty these spuds are.  We'll be
planting our own fall crop, soon.
  About half of you will get the first of the large-fruited, heirloom
tomatoes.  The yellow-orange ones are Big Rainbow and the pink-red ones are
Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter.  One slice per sandwich is all you need.
 The rest of you have small-fruited and cherry tomatoes. 
  Special thanks to Marin, Richard and Cassie Lipowitz, Judith and Jordan
Gropp, Lisa Dumont, Carrie Walsh, David and Grace Pommerenke, Bill Blake and
Jenny Kaye who provided extra helped last week.  We still need help with
tying tomatoes,  weeding/runnering strawberries, and erecting trellises.  If
you can help, please call.  These folks allowed us to get your shares to you
and get a NEW MESCLUN PATCH started. We'll transplant lettuce, cabbage,
broccoli, and yams this weekend.