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CSA Resource

Hi, everyone.  Deborah Kane, who has done some very valuable CSA research,
has asked me to post the following message to the CSA list:

>The following publication is now available:
>Maximizing Shareholder Retention In Southeastern CSAs, by Deborah J. Kane
>and Luanne Lohr.  ($8.00)
>Some of you may have read about this work in a recent Growing For Market
>article.  Researchers at the University of Georgia worked with seven CSA
>farms in the SE to try to determine the factors that most directly
>influence shareholder retention.  Among the methods employed were:
>1.  New shareholder telephone interviews. New shareholders were called in
>the Spring before any shares had been distributed and asked a series of
>questions concerning their expectations for the upcoming experience. These
>same shareholders were re-called in the Fall and reminded what they had
>said in the Spring. Some were astounded that their expectations in the
>Spring had been so unrealistic!  For example, in the Spring, 66% of the
>shareholders we spoke with were so excited about the upcoming experience
>that they would have paid more than they already paid to join the CSA.  By
>the Fall, that number dropped to 39%.
>2.  End of the Year Surveys.  Comprehensive end of the year surveys which
>asked 35 questions about satisfaction were mailed to 253 shareholders.  A
>surprising 78% were completed and returned.  
>The report includes a detailed discussion of the results of these two
>exercises, as well as a strong section on recommendations for maximizing
>shareholder retention.
>Reports are available from the author.  $8.00 covers the cost of printing
>and mailing.  Checks should be made payable to Deborah Kane.
>Deborah Kane
>2703 NE 11th
>Portland, OR  97212