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Re: Some things to think about...

Ooasis Inc. wrote:
> Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I gleaned these concepts from reliable sources.
> Sincerely,
> http://www.gnofn.org/~oxoasis
> "The cruelty-free living development center"
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Forwarded mail.... (fwd)
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 11:41:39 -0500 (CDT)
> From: "OX O.A.S.I.S." <oxoasis@gnofn.org>
> To: ooasis@webtv.net
> * redefining luxury and wealth
> * having time to enjoy life
> * having time to explore one's creativity
> * vibrant community arts program
> * live virtually debt and expense free
> * no utility bills through alternative energy research and development
> * peaceful, serene, quiet environment
> * trees, orchards, gardens, woodlands, and safe walking paths and bicycle trails
> * locally produced organic food
> * pollution and pesticide free environment
> * nondiscrimination and cultural diversity
> * neighbors who are environmentally aware, have deep appreciation and
> respect for nature
> * affordable housing ("ultra low cost luxurious housing")
> * ecological construction, toxic-free, lead-free, biodegradable,
> recyclable
> * ecological waste systems (closed loop)
> * pristine water quality
> * permaculture
> * home-based pollution-free farm handcraft businesses
> * skills databank
> * community integrated education
> * large, safe play areas for children and child care cooperative
> * work and food coop centers in urban, suburban, and rural areas
> * Community Center, or Common House, per cluster, with communal functions:
>         * dining                                * entertainment
>         * wood-working                          * metal-working
>         * electronics                           * crafts (pottery, sewing, etc.
>         * information utilities (library,       * healing center
> (meditation, eco-spa, etc.)
>                 computing center, etc.)         * lodging space for
> relatives, visitors
>         * encourage neighborhood self-sufficiency
>         * contribute to the education and socialization of children and youth
>         * create opportunities for multi-cultural understanding
>         * offer ecological education
>         * foster intergenerational contact
>         * meet social and recreational needs
>         * improve family nutrition and increase community food security
>         * deepen people's understanding of local ecosystems
>         * promote biodiversity and seed saving
>         * provide vocational training and work experience
>         * help prevent drug and alcohol abuse
>         * enhance neighborhood safety and beauty
>         * build coalitions among groups dedicated to community revitalization

Can we set this up soon?
