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looking for farm work...

January 3, 1998

Hello fellow CSA Farmers!

I’m writing to ask for your assistance. My partner and I are organic farmers
without a farm and are therefore looking for work. I have been
teaching/farming at the UC Santa Cruz Farm & Garden training program for the
last several years (small-scale field operations with an emphasis on CSA and
roadside market stand) and my partner, Greg, has been working for the Sonoma
Antique Apple Nursery, responsible for a wide range of agricultural activities
(nursery operations; fruit tree care & management; field scale veg crops and
flower seed saving; etc.). We have both recently left our positions (3 hours
apart from one another) in an effort to either pursue a farming position
together, or, at least, in closer proximity to one another. Geographically we
are most interested in finding work in the San Francisco Bay area
(Marin/Sonoma/Santa Cruz counties), or, somewhere in the northeastern US
(eastern NY state, MA, VT, RI, CT...we are both from the NY area). I am
enclosing our resumes as attachments if anyone is interested in learning more
about us and/or would be willing to pass them along to someone else who may

Thanks for your time and attention, and any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!

Kathi Colen

p.s. Our resumes are written in ClarisWorks and I'm not sure how they'll
open/translate into other word processing programs--hopefully, well. We'd be
happy to send out hard copies to anyone interested. 
Thanks again.
