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Tawndor@aol.com (by way of BIODYNAMIC MAIL LIST): New CSA book: Talk on Long Island

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From: Tawndor@aol.com (by way of BIODYNAMIC MAIL LIST)
To: bd-l@biodynamics.com
Subject: New CSA book: Talk on Long Island
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:10:25 -0500
Message-ID: <v03007821b0ead05afeca@[]>

Press Release
For immediate release: 1/20/98
Contact Steven McFadden -  410-343-0856

Your Food, Your Family, Your Farms

Author will Speak at Barnes & Noble
Long Island, NY

The best way to insure that you and your family are eating clean, healthy
food is to know the people who do the growing, and how they are doing it.
 Over the last few years over 100,000 American families who live in
and suburbs have starting doing this in partnership with farmers, and so
many of the households on Long Island, says Steven McFadden, director of
Wisdom Conservancy and co-author with Trauger Groh of the new book,
"Farms of
Tomorrow Revisited," published January, 1998 by the Biodynamic Farming
Gardening Assoc.

McFadden, the author of five other non-fiction titles, will speak and
copies of his books, at the Barnes and Noble bookstore, 380 Walt Whitman
Huntington Station, Long Island, NY on Thursday evening, February 5, from
7:30-9 PM.

According to the author, very soon the government will issue new rules
organic food that, as written, will allow -- and will certify as "USDA
Organic Approved" -- foods that have been genetically altered, fertilized
with municipal sewage sludge, and exposed to irradiation. "That is not
the public thinks of as clean, healthy, organic food," the author said.
Oprah Winfrey didn't have a court-imposed gag order on her now, this is
kind of thing she might have a lot to say about."

The new book by McFadden and Groh, who wrote the first "Farms of Tomorrow
1990," outlines these threats, but mainly explores in detail how a
new movement called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has taken root
America over the last ten years.  CSAs have brought over 100,000 US
into direct relationship with the over 1,000 local, US farms who grow
food. "The movement is continuing to grow," McFadden says. "People who
about their food, the environment, and their children, ought to take a
look at CSA and what it can do for them and the community where they
live. It
would work great on Long Island."

                                      - 30 -

The Wisdom Conservancy is a private, non-profit, non-sectarian,
institute based in Greenville, NH.  The institute's mission is to
and communicate the wisdom of learned and compassionate elders and
encourage the public in cultivating and applying wisdom.

The Wisdom Conservancy
at Merriam Hill Education Center
148 Merriam Hill
 Greenville, NH  03048

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