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Internship wanted

Hi folks:

Anyone looking for a great, willing-to-work for food/lodging intern? I'm 
inquiring for a young man (age 21) who's my friend's son. Marc is a great 
guy and I think anyone would find him easy-going, hardworking and 
earnest. He's lived in Nepal and will graduate from Oberlin this May. 
Please let me know if you're at all interested in hearing from him, or 
contact him directly at: Marc.Arndt@oberlin.edu. I've enclosed a recent 
email that he sent me.

Thanks and regards,

Lauren E. Augusta, Executive Director
Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA)
5337 College Avenue #508
Oakland, CA 94618 USA
Tel# (510)654-8858//Fax# (510)843-6280

hello lauren,
thanks for helping me look for an organic farming internship.  i am quite
inexperienced, and i'm really looking for an introduction to farming.  i 
don't need pay if room and board are included.  if it's more like a job, 
living away and commuting and feeding myself then i would like pay.  i am
willing to go anywhere in california and i'm open to any kind of crop.  do
you need any more info ?  