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Re: Nitrates in Greens

I have heard this as well and don't pick/sell greens from Nov. til March,
but the March pickings are winter grown plants. I'd appreciate learning
	Suzy, are you out there? I have lost your address. Michelle

Michelle Crawford, Pacific Potager, organic farm and nursery,          
27918 Vashon Hwy SW Vashon, WA 98070

On Fri, 13 Mar 1998, Jim and Jo at Five Springs Farm wrote:

> At the Midwest Organic Farmers Conference in Wisconsin last month we heard
> some disturbing information about the build-up of nitrates in greens,
> including lettuce, other salad greens and cooking greens (especially Swiss
> chard). Specifically, we were advised that it is inappropriate to pick
> lettuce and other greens in the morning (that is when we like to pick , in
> the cool of the day) as nitrates can build up to serious levels over night;
> exposure to 4-6 hours of sun dissipates the nitrate concentration.
> Fall-grown greens are, according to the speaker, particularly vulnerable
> because of reduced sunshine and shorter days. There is also some risk of
> build up of nitrates if the greens are stored above 35 degrees or so for
> any length of time, we were told.
> While we are certainly interested in avoiding health risks this seemed to
> be  alarmist. Does anyone have specific information on this? 
> Jo and Jim at Five Springs Farm
