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Kenyan intern seeks host farm

Greetings all---

Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA) seeks a 3 month 
farm placement for Henry Sibwoga, a 34 year old farmer-intern applicant 
from Kenya. Henry has hands-on experience in mixed vegetable crops, 
coffee, tea & poultry production plus oxen ploughing. He is well 
educated, in excellent health and very eager to make his program with 
MESA useful to his native peoples upon return. 

MESA seeks an appropriate organic or sustainably operated host farm for 
Henry from May 15th to August 31st. He will work full-time at your farm. 
Host farms provide housing and send monthly program fees to MESA 
($725/mo. with meals provided or $850/mo. for independent 
accommodations). MESA will then provide Henry with $300-$425/mo. 
stipends, medical insurance, legal training visa, orientation and 
educational seminar, domestic travel and coordinator support. Hosts incur 
no payroll taxes.

If you or anyone you know may be interested in hosting 
Henry---particularly if located on the West or East coast---please 
contact MESA ASAP. Please be able to provide at least two references from 
former interns or employees.

Thank you for your time!

Lauren E. Augusta, Executive Director
Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA)
5337 College Ave., #508, Oakland, CA 94618
Tel: 510-654-8858/ Fax: 510-843-6280

"Promoting sustainable farming communities around the world through 
farmer-to-farmer exchange"