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New member introduction

My name is David Rushton (Dave) is fine.  I live in Oklahoma City U.S.A.  I am
hoping to buy a small piece of land here in the Oklahoma City area, and start
a small farm/market garden, or a C.S.A.  My gardening experience is limited to
a few vegtables in my back yard, so I have lots of learning to do.  I am
currently working as a house parent in a group home for the deaf, and I work
part time as a free lance sign language interpreter.  My wife Chris works as a
pre-school teacher/parent educator for the Even Start program that works with
at risk families. The main problem for the next couple of years is how to make
the transition to the point that we can support ourselves through farming.  
     If anyone knows of any established C.S.A.'s around Oklahoma City, we
would appreciate that information.  We contacted the Biodynamic association,
and they sent us a list of the two Biodynamic farms in Oklahoma, both of which
are quite a ways from OKC.  I am currently reading "Farms of the Future
revisited" and would appreciate any and all suggestions for other rescources.
     Looking forward to learning from everyone, and keeping you updated on our
