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Re: subscribe

>Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 07:30:32 PDT
>subscribe csa-L lkindr@hotmail.com

Hi. I previously sent the above subscription request. I hope it was 
received. I'm a farmer in the St. Louis area who would like to find 
customers for organic and transitional grains, beans and whatever 
produce anyone might want to have us grow. We want to start planning for 
next year's crops. This year we have 34 acres in organic soybeans 
contracted to Clarkson Grain Co of Beardstown, IL. These acres are not 
yet certified, but we applied a few months ago and expect to get 
certified this summer because this land has been in cow pasture for a 
long time and no chemicals have been used on it for at least 5 years or 
more. We applied for OCIA certification. We have another 130 acres or 
more that is tillable and which is partly transitional to organic. We'd 
like to get Japanese or other organic buyers for soybeans, open 
pollinated corn, wheat, rye, buckwheat, millet, etc. We also have 
organic apple trees. And we plan to grow some herbs that Dr. Richard 
Schulze recommends for medical emergencies. He and Dr. Wm. Douglass say 
that wheat is not a good grain, unless it is sprouted. It's said to 
cause fat and to cause kids' heads to become unnaturally narrow. Rye and 
other grains are much better. We can also discuss growing various kinds 
of produce organically. I hope to hear from some of your subscribers 
whom we may be able to cooperate with. Aloha from Lloyd and Joe [phone 

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