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Re: Help on Pricing

Virginia, your reply caught me about to send another 100 innocent words into the frey!

Have you tried your certifier? They should be able to guide you to what you are looking for. Or your nearest natural foods co-op or store.

Best of luck, from another office-working farmer/dreamer! -Jeff

>>> Virginia Petrie <virginia@biostat.washington.edu> 07/16 1:49 PM >>>
Geez everyone, I am receiving a multitude of philosophical answers to what
I thought was a simple question (maybe there just are no simple answers).
I very much agree with your philosophies however and the true meaning of
CSA and what it represents to the farm and the community it supports.  I
just needed to know how to price my kohlrabi so that that I know when I
reach my $15.00 a bag mark.  I want to be very fair to subscribers and to
myself too.  I have to be able to sustain myself and our tiny farm before
I can possibly grow and reach out to help others.  We are certified
organic and I am very dedicated to that.  I have been very poor myself and
would love someday to share an abundance of food with that
community.  I guess some of you pictured a money hungry type with some
land trying to make extra money (which is not the case at all).  I am in
love with CSA and all it stands for.  This is my first year and I have all
of 2 subscribers.  I feel like I opened an ugly can of worms here (what
am I saying, I love worms!)  This has certainly been a great learning
experience for me because of all of your great responses.  I am glad 
I asked the question.  Thanks so much.


The Petrie Place
"Certified" Organic Farmstead
P.O. Box 384
Duvall, WA  98019

(425) 788-4835