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RE: PPPrairienet Is Here!

I find this spam unconscienable!  I am susbscribed to this listserve for information on community supported agriculture, and do not wish to receive unsolicited advertising from the ISP that hosts the listserve.

I'd like to know how other subscribers feel.  If you are as outraged by this action, I suggest you reply to this spam with a complaint, and cc [abuse@prairienet.org].

Any further unsolicited commercial e-mail from Prairienet will cause me to immediately unsubscribe to this otherwise useful and appreciated listserve.

Marcello Aurelio Lanfranchi

From: 	Prairienet Member Services
Sent: 	Monday, August 31, 1998 2:40 PM
To: 	csa-l@prairienet.org
Subject: 	PPPrairienet Is Here!


You've heard all the talk about graphical access to the Internet coming 
soon to Prairienet. It's finally here and easy to get. And, this service 
costs nothing extra to you as Prairienet members, although we would be 
happy to take a donation!


If you have friends who have accounts with a local Internet Services 
Provider, you probably have noticed that the World Wide Web pages they 
look at have pictures and sounds or that they use different programs to 
read their mail or read Usenet newsgroups. They are using a type of 
connection called Point to Point Protocol, PPP. This connection makes 
their computer a part of the Internet, so they run programs on their home 
computer that access various componants of the Internet, such as Netscape 
to access the World Wide Web, Eudora to access email, or WSFTP to fetch 
files on remote computers.


That depends on how you use the internet.  PPP is required in order to 
view graphics and hear sounds from websites.  However, the transfer of 
pictures and sounds can be slow, and their presence is not necessary if 
you're only interested in the textual content of the site; therefore, if 
your primary purpose for "surfing the web" is research, for instance, you 
may prefer a text-based browser.  If, on the other hand, you crave the 
eye candy and funky sounds that most web sites have to offer or if your 
favorite web site is unreadible through the text-based browser, you'll 
need PPP.


You can still access Prairienet Classic, even if you are connected 
through PPPrairienet. Windows 95 has the program telnet built in to its 
software and telnet applications for Windows 3.1 and Macintosh are easy 
to get. Simply use telnet to open a connection to 'prairienet.org' and 
you can log in the old fashioned way. And you can even use your old 
communications software, such as Hyperterminal or Zterm when you're not 
using PPPrairienet.


Right now we have instructions for those users who have Windows 95. Soon 
we will be able to provide a setup disk for those users who have Windows 
3.1 machines. The minimum requirements for Windows 3.1 users are a 386sx 
with 8 MB of RAM. Shortly after that we will have instructions for 
Macintosh users running System 7 or newer.

Also, Prairienet members are given 8 hours of PPPrairienet access. When 
the 8 hours are up, you will not be able to connect using PPPrairienet, 
although you still have your two hours per day through Prairienet 
Classic. You may ration out these 8 hours over the entire week or blow 
them all in a single session; we leave that choice up to you.


If you would like us to send you instructions for Windows 95 setup, 
either call the Prairienet Hotline at 244-1962, email ms@prairienet.org, 
or stop by the Prairienet office between noon and 7 p.m. Monday through 
Friday. You can also put your name on the waiting list for Windows 3.1 
and Macintosh instructions and we will send you those instructions when 
they become available.
