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Request for some practical tips.

Here in Northern Michigan we have what we call quack grass. Persistent as
anything on rhizomes. If veggies grew like this...Anyway, one strategy we
have tried with some success is a succession of buckwheat. We plant it
thick right after the last threat of frost (very tender). About 30 days
later, or before it blooms, dig it under (till, if you have a tiller) and
replant. Repeat as many times as your season will allow. We get 3 plantings
and the buckwheat is so rapid-growing that it out competes EVERYTHING. It
is also a nice way to build some organic matter in your soil. There has to
be enough fertility in the soil to get a nice thick stand, but buckwheat
isn't too fussy.

Good luck!

Jo and Jim at Five Springs Farm (and "The Community Farm" newsletter)