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Fwd: first things first

Here are some questions that I think one needs to consider before 
digging up a whole field.  Have I consulted any literature and/or local 
farmers (namely those doing CSAs)?  What tilling/cultivation instruments 
do you have at your disposal?  How much gardening have you done and at 
what scale?

I tend to be conservative when it comes to plowing, and I am mentally 
(though never physically) prepared to have residual grass and weeds.  If 
your field is solely grass and hasn't been treated with synthetics, you 
are very fortunate.  If there's noxious weeds, then you might want to be 
more drastic....  Not only can fields be so individual, but what farmers 
value, prefer and tolerate in their fields.  

Also, I am assuming the field has great soil texture and structure, yet 
that should be checked out.  For me, this is the greatest consideration 
when deciding what implements to till with and how intensely.  For my 
mind, I prefer to keep my soil biota intact, but any tilling destroys it 
to some extent.  There's the trade off.  I agree with Jeff Hall, 
something needs to be done, and this fall in order to have the field 
warmed up and ready to go first thing come spring.  

Next to soil biota and weed tolerance, I think that one's gardening and 
marketing experience weigh strongly in any decision.  How large is the 
field?  Do you need to plant the entire field?  Are you relying on the 
CSA for money this year?  Next year?  What's your market?  maybe you 
don't need the entire field, and can save yourself some time, labor, 
money, and frustration.  

There's no easy answers, although I wish there were.  

I'd be interested in hearing more about it and what you decide to do.

Kirsten Saylor
Arlington, VA

>Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 14:19:20 -0700
>From: John and Karen Rains <jnkrains@i-link-2.net>
>Reply-To: jnkrains@i-link-2.net
>To: Community Supported Agriculture <CSA-L@prairienet.org>
>Subject: first things first
>Open question to CSA farmers:
>I have an open field where I wish to begin my CSA farm, what would be
>the first thing I should  do this fall?
>The field has never had anything but grass grown there and cattle are
>grazing on it but they can easily be moved off. It also is fenced on 
>John Eric and Karen Rains
>Lacamas Lakes Ranch

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