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Apprentice(s) Wanted, and Free Spreadsheet Offer

At Ash Grove Community Farm we're expanding next year into agroforestry, bus
tours including weekend packages, our CSA and buying co-ops, livestock and
horse/pony co-ops, and affordable housing intentional community program.

Whew!  Will need some help -- I work a full-time and a part-time job to cover
the funding for this stuff, then volunteer 10-20 hours a week here at the

Am now writing grant proposals to cover some sort of scholarship and/or
stipend for apprentices; if those don't come through then all I can offer is
lots of fun, lots of useful knowledge, a friendly community college nearby
where you can arrange college credit for your experience here, cheap housing
and food ($200 a month includes large private room and house privileges with
all utilities and satellite TV included, $25 a week for three hearty meals a
day and snacks).  

Can also offer profit sharing from our harvest and other activities in direct
proportion to the percentage of total time worked that's yours.  Could be $3
an hour if the deer eat a lot, could be $10 an hour if everything works
perfectly (has never happened but it could).

Now working on incorporation as a not-for-profit -- if that flies there will
be guaranteed full and part-time jobs created with benefits and an educational
program, and apprentices will certainly get first consideration for them.
What's your dream job?  Come on over and create it!  (and help find the

Spreadsheet for our 1999 plan is located at 99plan.prn at our website.
Download it as a text file and spit it into the spreadsheet program of your
choice, or cut and paste, or print and retype -- your choice!  <G>  BTW, any
CSA is welcome also to that spreadsheet.  Comes in handy for wish-booking and
determining if a project is worth pursuing.

Now you know why I've been kind of quiet lately -- not all of the important
work gets done out in the field!  I guess the slipped kneecap was a blessing
in disguise -- kept me sort of nailed to the computer to get this thing

Does anybody know if it's absolutely too late to plant garlic and tulips?
(Too bad, they're going in today.)

Dori Green
Ash Grove Community Farm