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Please Read! CSA-L List Subscribers

Request for CSA-L volunteer.
Request for Donations.
Who's on the list.

1.  I'm looking for a volunteer to help with list.  I need a volunteer from
the list to send the following message about how to unsubscribe out to
anyone who asks how to unsubscribe on the list.  This is a small task, but
it will help me and the list some.

2.  I like to send Prairienet $100 every year for supporting the CSA-L
list.  If anyone would like to help cover this please send checks payable
to: UIF-Prairienet and mail them to:  Prairienet,  c/o UI Foundation,  P.O.
Box 3429, Champaign, IL 61826.  Put CSA-L in the comment box.  Also send me
an e-mail letting me know how much you donated so I can cut back mine by
that amount.  More information about Prairienet can be found at:

3.  These are the many ways to unsubscribe:

In response to some recent postings I wanted to review how to unsubscribe
from CSA-L. If you have forgotten to save your welcome file to this list,
save this document!  There are 4 methods:

1)  Review the welcome file you got when you subscribed and follow the
directions in it.  As a rule, this is the most responsible way to do it as
it puts no burden on the people who run the lists or the list subscribers.

2) If this fails, consult the web page.  Bookmark now for future reference.
Its at http://www.prairienet.org/pcsa/csa-l.html

3) If you have subscribed with a different email than the one you are using
now, you won't be able to unsubscribe by the above methods.  But the step A
and B below will not fail.

A) Send an email to "listproc@prairienet.org" with only "review CSA-L" in
the test and no subject line.  You will be sent back a list of all the
subscribers on the list (i've included such a list below.

B) Look through this list and find your name and email.  Then go to the web
page at http://www.prairienet.org/pcsa/subscribing.html and put in that
name and email select the action "unsubscribe" and hit the "submit
subscription request" button.

4) E-mail me and I will take you off the list.  I do updates every month or
two or three so this may not be effective and it will certainly not be
welcomed.  Also, please explain why the above methods have failed in your


4.   Here is the current list of non-concealed subscribers.  Sometimes
people are curious.  This list can be found by using step B of the third
unsubscribe method.

s740648@aix1.uottawa.ca                  German Poleo
Pat_Elazar@cwb.ca                        pat elazar
Zaitoon_Hamir@richmond.sd38.bc.ca        Arzeena Hamir
nobody@interchange.ubc.ca                Julia Jamieson at
TROWLEY@envsci.uoguelph.ca               Tamsyn Rowley
baker@AGRADM.Lan.McGill.CA               Laurie Baker
undersun@wcl.on.ca                       Under the Sun Community Garden
mcsmiths@ccia.st-thomas.on.ca            Cathy Mcgregor-Smith
hchop@sympatico.ca                       Hilary Chop
logcabinorchard@cyberus.ca               Gord Hawkes
KAKTINS@BrandonU.CA                      Sylvia-Linda Kaktins
csabowes@webtv.ne                        Steve/Annette Bowes Farms/CSA
hans.von.essen@c.lrf.se                  Hans von Essen
Torben.Haslund@vfys.slu.se               Torben.Haslund
abarber@nab.org                          abarber@nab.org A Barber
klawrence@igc.apc.org                    Kathy Lawrence
mritchie@igc.apc.org                     Mark Ritchie
hilles@igc.apc.org                       Steve Hilles
juggler@nesc.org                         John Spaulding
csa@sdtc.org                             Thanksgiving Farm
helen@cfed.org                           Helen Payne Watt
kert@ewg.org                             Kert Davies
bg006@scn.org                            Doug Hendrickson Salt Creek Farm CSA
wgfarm@efn.org                           WinterGreen Farm
fsfarm@mufn.org                          Jim Sluyter and Jo Meller
lfl@soilassociation.org                  Eric Booth
dnelson@danenet.wicip.org                dean nelson
bvorley@iatp.org                         William Vorley
jblythe@iar.org                          Jan Blythe
jbarclay@prairienet.org                  John Barclay, Champaign, IL
mailbox@gsenet.org                       Phil Reynolds
cusothai@loxinfo.co.th                   cusothai@loxinfo.co.th CUSO
masi@heikkij.pp.fi                       Heikki Jarvinen
eliza@q7.com                             eliza lindsay
bsnandhn@suba.com                        bsnandhn@suba.com
ARinkenb@aveda.com                       Ann Rinkenberger
pfenczik@macromedia.com                  Peter Fenczik
fletcher@montana.com                     John Fletcher
rami@sequana.com                         Rami Aburomia
bander@inetarena.com                     Brenda Anderson
tomk@iinc.com                            Thomas J. Klotzbach
amym@nmo.gtegsc.com                      Amy Martindale
milstein@pipeline.com                    Sarah Milstein
laura_s@vaxxine.com                      Laura Sabourin
eisenheim@mcione.com                     David Eisenheim
aphoenix@spiritone.com                   Holly Deiser
74131.1517@CompuServe.COM                Michele Burlew
kkief@compuserve.com                     Karen Kieffer
KCannon@compuserve.com                   kcannon@compuserve.com (Karen Cannon)
lpeterson@sushiking.com                  Leo Peterson
deirdreb@mindspring.com                  deirdre birmingham
wormfarm@globaldialog.com                wormfarm@globaldialog.com Donna
djdietz@globaldialog.com                 djdietz@globaldialog.com Dan Dietz
ggh@interlog.com                         paul newby
wool@willard-oh.com                      wool@willard-oh.com Holly Fackler
ma@interpath.com                         Mike Arnold
sbonney@holli.com                        sbonney@holli.com steve bonney
000641.4360@mcimail.com                  David K. Wallace
kir39@hotmail.com                        kir39@hotmail.com Kirsten Saylor
tcervinka@hotmail.com                    tcervinka@hotmail.com Tanya Cervinka
acorncsa@hotmail.com                     Cricket Acorn
ktaadn_me@hotmail.com                    ktaadn_me@hotmail.com Chrissy Fowler
eve_marshall@hotmail.com                 Eve
lkindr@hotmail.com                       lkindr@hotmail.com
organic@eatwell.com                      Nigel Walker
DOLPHIN820@aol.com                       Rita Treichler
Tela43560@aol.com                        Cliff Crego
Pamc42@aol.com                           Pamela Cherrix
Veggies4u2@aol.com                       Linda Rose
LAlex123@aol.com                         Lee Alexander
KDIX814@aol.com                          Keith Dix
DRush35007@aol.com                       David Rusthon
DGreen47@aol.com                         Dori Green
SCook21809@aol.com                       Suzy Cook
KathiSueC@aol.com                        Kathi Colen
Cgrowexec@aol.com                        Cgrowexec@aol.com Andrew Moore
POWELLHOME@aol.com                       Julie Powell
MinVase@aol.com                          Karen Bentley
Sailwindch@aol.com                       red cardinal farm
giftcal@aol.com                          jack gurley
STannehill@aol.com                       S Tannehill
taxiorl@aol.com                          taxiorl@aol.com Ignacio Perez
GreenManFm@aol.com                       GreenMan Farm
FranksFarm@aol.com                       Frank Tomeo
MBainum@aol.com                          Michael Bainum
Purplebean@aol.com                       Carrie Little
ROMAPLAN@aol.com                         Dan Kaplan
Xoaxon@aol.com                           David Durick
MarkLSP@aol.com                          Mark Schultz
WCavender@aol.com                        Bill Cavender
BRateaver@aol.com                        bargyla rateaver
EquityTr@aol.com                         Equity Trust
HMSTDFRMS@aol.com                        Linda Bulson
Ann4Violet@aol.com                       Ann Sullivan
Adenalou@aol.com                         Adena Rissman
MorrisSW@aol.com                         Steve Morris
SSmedley@aol.com                         Sharon Smedley
LionKuntz@aol.com                        Lion Kuntz
guldann@ix.netcom.com                    Beth Hook
pcoomey@ix.netcom.com                    Pamela Coomey
lh@pressroom.com                         Leigh Hauter
ander@forbin.com                         Mike Anderson
hunger@tmn.com                           William E. Dellinger
sjol@kingcon.com                         Curtis Sjolander
shea@xmission.com                        Gary Shea
brike1@juno.com                          Michael Isensee
woodyw@juno.com                          woody wodraska
rcirclefarm@ncwebsurfer.com              Bob Pieper
Mrill@theriver.com                       Mrill Ingram
snsaquasys@townsqr.com                   Tom Speraneo
Joann_B_Hunsberger@rohmhaas.com          Joann Hunsberger
RFHeerschap@cmds.com                     RFHeerschap@cmds.com
mark-j@clear.lakes.com                   Mark Johnson
dhubbard@scires.com                      dhubbard@scires.com
farmcity@alternatives.com                FarmFolk CityFolk
jsnyder@davis.com                        James Snyder
brixman@erols.com                        Rex Harrill
patters@erols.com                        Ted Patterson
mc2@hamptons.com                         Maureen Clancy
suptlr@jidmail.nmcourts.com              suptlr@jidmail.nmcourts.com trace
bonbon@sirius.com                        Karen Heisler
julie_meserve@lotus.com                  julie_meserve@lotus.com Christine
cdcramer@clarityconnect.com              Craig Cramer
aeashley@stlnet.com                      Andrew Ashley
trader@emapnet.com                       Ron Cusano
celenes@azstarnet.com                    Jo Elenes
jamison@bridgernet.com                   Michelle Jamison
loren@batnet.com                         Loren Davidson
jt@discoverynet.com                      Joe Thornburg
janesherry@webcity-development.com       janesherry@webcity-development.com
Jane Sherry
schultze@bigfoot.com                     Steve Schultze
DONNOLC@hkairport.com                    Christopher Donnolley

twcook@iswt.com                          twcook@iswt.com Tim Cook
Gaia@Solutions-4U.com                    Bart Craig
ripley@iglou.com                         Dawn Ripley
petersns@whidbey.com                     molly petersons
hmcf@mailcity.com                        Ann Rinkenberger
rmbraga@ufrrj.br                         ricardo braga
lbfisher@smtpgate.dphe.state.co.us       Laurie Fisher
lemayoxb@pop.k12.vt.us                   Dan Lemay
mjb@premier1.net                         Michaele Blakely
jnkrains@i-link-2.net                    jnkrains@i-link-2.net Karen Rains
showell@acadia.net                       Scott Howell
nharvest@alaska.net                      nharvest@alaska.net Natasha Ala
csa@nisa.net                             csa@nisa.net
saltsgvf@istlaplata.net                  Steve Salt
sacerdote@altavista.net                  Angelo Sacerdote
ddewitt@tiac.net                         Dave Dewitt
ddenome@netacc.net                       Deb Denome
woodyw@netacc.net                        woody wodraska
pforbes@kctc.net                         Phil Forbes
j.cropper@trinidad.net                   John Cropper
elbers@top.monad.net                     Anton Elbers
pring@acd.net                            Pam Ring
mesa@mailhost.hooked.net                 mesa
igg@intrepid.net                         allan Balliett
robdavis@getonthe.net                    robdavis@getonthe.net
gelliott@london.skyscape.net             Gary Elliott
dvreed@fuse.net                          dvreed@fuse.net David Reed
Tawndor@tidalwave.net                    Steven McFadden
sstimson@ptdprolog.net                   Steve Stimson
michelle@animal.blarg.net                michelle crawford
maryspiral@kih.net                       Mary Hoelterhoff
wilson@psci.net                          john wilson
koehoe@earthlink.net                     Martin Koenig
sfmoore@earthlink.net                    sfmoore@earthlink.net Steve Moore
hmcf@earthlink.net                       Ann Rinkenberger
hansgorsuch@earthlink.net                Hans Gorsuch
smersh@earthlink.net                     John Smersh
markthomp@earthlink.net                  Mark Thompson
barthunter@tellink.net                   Bart Hunter
fojo@capital.net                         fojo@capital.net (Francis J. Scheib)
valorie@pacbell.net                      Valorie Ryan
jhen8@mail.swbell.net                    Jesse Henderson
lporter@thunderhill.net                  lporter@thunderhill.net Lynne Porter
awarren@jetstream.net                    ANNE WARREN
jeffrast@northrim.net                    Jeff Rast
organix@georgian.net                     Tomas Nimmo
csana@bcn.net                            csana
mhcsa@bcn.net                            mhcsa@bcn.net David Inglis
sanchez@wichita.fn.net                   G. A. Sanchez
raj@access.mountain.net                  Lightstone Foundation
koocanus@micron.net                      Corey Meier
dremark@5thseason.net                    Dan Evans
jorob@greatnorthern.net                  Rob Peterson
ajax@otn.net                             Austin Jack Smith
kampy@lyn.net                            Marie Kamphefner
bobdell@gisco.net                        bobdell
organic@metro.net                        organic@metro.net scott mathieson
agiles@slip.net                          Aimee Giles
agrier@TheRamp.net                       agrier AgriEnergy Resources
leppinger@interhop.net                   Lorenz Eppinger
rivercurrent@ecr.net                     Kathy Schmidt
aep@aeneas.net                           Alfred Paschall
hughesm@bbw.tds.net                      Marv Hughes
jengland@cafes.net                       John England
scharf@gis.net                           Lauri Scharf
mehoel0@mis.net                          Mary Hoelterhoff
jwoods@sr.radiks.net                     jwoods@radiks.net Jay Woods
winston@adams.net                        winston@adams.net Kelly Winston
fullcircle@jps.net                       Marcie Rosenzweig
rfarm@jps.net                            Richard Roth
kgasaway@dplus.net                       Blake Gasaway
askeitt@gnv.fdt.net                      alan keitt.
michael@wamnet.net                       Michael DiStephano michael@wamnet.net
scassdon@frontiernet.net                 Sarah Cass Donaldson
KEVnTANJ@bright.net                      Kevin Kurtz-Lehman
sssyfrs@bright.net                       Marilyn Hiestand
gbowman@fast.net                         Greg Bowman
colibri@west.net                         Beth von Gunten
jcpicard@uswest.net                      Jonathan Picard
fosteratwfa@worldnet.att.net             John Foster
LORAND@worldnet.att.net                  Andrew Christopher Lorand
nobl@iserv.net                           Rich Bowman
csabowes@webtv.net                       ---Steve/Annette Bowes
ooasis@webtv.net                         CJ Flores
richmo@indy.net                          Rich Molini
VINCEMCKELVEY@prodigy.net                vincemckelvey@prodigy.net Vince
dottork@tin.it                           Lino Colciago
askpv@ozemail.com.au                     April Sampson-Kelly
DTeeter@Ithaca.edu                       Debbie Teeter
mtl4@columbia.edu                        Mark Lindeman
skolar@aocn.aurora.edu                   Siobhan Kolar
matthew-arant@uiowa.edu                  matthew-arant@uiowa.edu Matthew Arant
Celeste_Douville@cocc.edu                Celeste Douville
buygreen@sunsite.unc.edu                 buygreen@sunsite.unc.edu Jeanne Nye
london@fddisunsite.oit.unc.edu           Lawrence London
jgirotti@ssc.wisc.edu                    jgirotti@ssc.wisc.edu jennifer girotti
rhmeyer1@facstaff.wisc.edu               rhmeyer1@facstaff.wisc.edu Bob Meyer
mrostrom@facstaff.wisc.edu               Marcia Ruth Ostrom
reisnera@uiuc.edu                        Ann Reisner
ambarnes@uiuc.edu                        Anna M Barnes
Comm_Supported_Agri@discovery.umeres.maine.edu Umaine Firstclass
leopold@exnet.iastate.edu                Richard Pirog
jrhall@iastate.edu                       Jeff Hall
sona@westelk.cnr.colostate.edu           sona@westelk.cnr.colostate.edu
sona desai
egbelsey@holly.colostate.edu             Eric Belsey
mdbrown@ecn.purdue.edu                   Matthew Brown
gravesj@sal311.waldorf.edu               Jason Graves
gelle@umich.edu                          Gabrielle Singleton
oneal@umich.edu                          Gideon Porth
stagls@rpi.edu                           Sigrid Stagl
RUSOMH@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu              Mary Hendrickson
c656614@showme.missouri.edu              c656614@showme.missouri.edu Brad Rauh
kwebb01@mail.coin.missouri.edu           Kevin Webb
sstack@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu               sarah stack
debroos@nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu              Debbie Roos
jcb13@cornell.edu                        Jennifer Bokaer-Smith
snj3@cornell.edu                         snj3@cornell.edu
nlt4@cornell.edu                         Nathaniel Thompson
csas001@unlvm.unl.edu                    Pam Murray
jchamber@unlinfo.unl.edu                 Jeff Chambers
metzjg@hiram.edu                         Jan Goodland Metz
lpelch@moose.uvm.edu                     leslie pelch
mpeabody@zoo.uvm.edu                     Mary Peabody
klepetka@zoology.washington.edu          Brad Klepetka
yount@csf.Colorado.EDU                   Michael Yount
peggy931@uidaho.edu                      Peggy Adams
sr012@csufresno.edu                      Sarah Russ
mrrademacher@ucdavis.edu                 Matt Rademacher
kjbrewer@ucdavis.edu                     username Kelly Brewer
sahumphrey@ucdavis.edu                   sahumphrey@ucdavis.edu
mrhodes1@emerald.tufts.edu               mrhodes1@emerald.tufts.edu
nmurphy@emerald.tufts.edu                nmurphy@emerald.tufts.edu
jmayne@GAES.GRIFFIN.PEACHNET.EDU         jmayne@gaes.griffin.peachnet.edu
john mayne
JZ99@MARISTB.MARIST.EDU                  Joanna Schroer

adamf@vtaix.cc.vt.edu                    ADAM FINKELSTEIN
j-foy@tamu.edu                           Jo Foy
ab210@seorf.Ohiou.Edu                    kevin smyth
nnranell@unity.ncsu.edu                  Noah Ranells
laura.delind@ssc.msu.edu                 Laura B. DeLind
smalley@msue.msu.edu                     Susan Smalley
gene@wkar.msu.edu                        Gene Purdum
geeringc@pilot.msu.edu                   Chris Geering
gingrasj@pilot.msu.edu                   Maggie Gingras
cfalk@nmsu.edu                           Connie Falk
sasadler@coopext.cahe.wsu.edu            sally anne sadler
hank@wsu.edu                             tim cossel
eson@wsu.edu                             David Eson
dsauter@wvu.edu                          Don Sauter
bgallowa@ca.uky.EDU                      Beth Galloway
kpost@polymail.cpunix.calpoly.edu        Kathryn Post
matthew@nt.ktg.gau.hu                    Matthew Hayes
Polly.Huggins@idgooding.fsc.usda.gov     Polly Ann Huggins
ARNE.KARL@EPAMAIL.EPA.GOV                Karl Arne
Douglas.Stienbarger@metrokc.gov          Douglas Stienbarger
Sylvia.Kantor@METROKC.GOV                sylvia kantor
james3@niehs.nih.gov                     james3@niehs.nih.gov olivia james
Total number of subscribers: 289 (289 shown here)