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Re: Value added in CSA's

Interesting things folks are doing. I just want to mention that many of
thse value-added options make the CSAs sound like small co-ops (you know
these store-front ones) and/or farmers markets. This sounds like
a lot of coordination and/or work for a farm(er) even with
help. But then lots of value-added ideas sound to me like mucho 
work added to the business of being a good grower. I know value
-adding works and is touted as a way for small diversified
farms to go but it troubles me since imho the real value...GOOD 
Healthy, Beautiful Locally produced produce/meat/dairy/flowers
is yet again being devalued and this devaluation of the REAL
GOODS is part of what makes agbiz so non-sustainable.  I don't know how we
get to that place where the right stuff is rightly valued....

Just my abstract thoughts,