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Would you like to be on one of our lists and subscribe to Food Bytes, our free email newsletter?

Only respond if you would like to be added to one of our lists, otherwise
you will not be added.

I apologize if this is a repeat message. Some of you may already be on one
of our lists and have received emails from me, if so, disregard this message.

Hi, we maintain several different lists. One is for stores which include
co-ops, nutrition centers and other businesses selling organic products;
one is for organizations; and the other is for individuals, food buying
clubs and CSA's. To join the listserve to receive our electronic newsletter
Food Bytes, see the instructions below my signature. 

The Organic Consumer Action - the OCA is a new national grassroots
consumers campaign which grew out of the massive organic consumer response
to the USDA's first round of Organic Standards. Many of us were part of the
SOS/Save Organic Standards Campaign. The OCA  has speakers available but we
do need transportation/lodging expenses paid for and an honorarium.

We are gearing up for the second round of USDA's Organic Standards and we
need your help in developing a network of consumers, stores,growers, etc.
The USDA will issue another proposed set of federal rules on Organic
Standards and we want organic consumers to be prepared to respond to this
second round. In fact, the USDA published an "issue/position paper" the end
of October with comments due on December 14th. This was a precursor to the
Second Round. We have heard from Washington that the USDA may publish 2
additional "issue/position papers" in March, 1999, with the total second
round due out after July, 1999.

We have free display packets available to send to you that include: display
posters, counter top displays and flyers to inform your members/consumers
about the second round of USDA's Organic Standards. Please let me know how
many display packets you would like me to send to you for your
coop/store/buying club/organizations or CSA. For buying clubs and CSA's,
please let me know how many members you have so I can include enough
handouts to send you. 

Also, please pass this message on to your email lists. We are trying to
build an email network that can quickly submit comments to the USDA and
elected officials about the organic standards.
Debbie Dunbar Ortman
National Field Organizer
Organic Consumers Action
3547 Haines Rd.
Duluth, MN 55811
(218) 726-1443
(218) 726-1446 Fax
Join the Organic Consumers Action in
your local area. If you want to become a member or a volunteer--or make a
donation--call (218)726-1443
To subscribe to the free electronic newsletter, Food Bytes,
send an email to: majordomo@mr.net
with the simple message: subscribe pure-food-action

To Unsubscribe:  Email majordomo@ces.ncsu.edu with the command
"unsubscribe sanet-mg".
To Subscribe to Digest: Email majordomo@ces.ncsu.edu with the command
"subscribe sanet-mg-digest".

All messages to sanet-mg are archived at: