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Re: CSA movement in Sweden

Dear Hans,  The success of the CSA movement in my opinion has had very
little to do with the US gov. other than the fact that American gov and
citizens are used to their fellow citizens starting small businesses.  Small
business are seen as "real" business.  Other than that CSA started and
continue locally.  A farm and its members all live near each other (even the
ones that deliver are still when compared to large business, local).  CSAs
draw on the strength and advice of local organic groups such as NOFA
(northeast organic farming association), which have been in place for maybe
20 years but also have grown on a local level and have grown slowly.  So
guess what I am saying if you want to start a CSA start  "A" CSA. One with a
group of local supporters.  If you become a success the movement may spread.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  Just look at the fact that a
National organic standards is being discussed, its because after 20 or so
years the organic industry is showing success, success others want. I won't
go into what others here.  But guess it the same old advice there is not a
quick fix.  Good luck go out and plant a garden!  We only had 9 members in
our first year, we'll see how we do in the next few years! Beth