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(Newer) Sus Ag Web sites (fwd)

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This is taken directly from the Wallace Institute newsletter. Several
SAEd-Share-L subscribers are directly involved in these -- congratulations
to all on the links/sites.

Nancy GS


     Three new World Wide Web sites have been launched by the
Wallace Institute, the Sustainable Agriculture Network, and the
new Sustainable Farming Connection.

     The Wallace Institute: The Wallace Institute's new Web
homepage [http://www.hawiaa.org] features a description of the
Institute and its agenda of leadership, policy research, and
information; some of the site is still in progress.  The site
lists and will soon have information links to the Institute's
programs: Policy Studies Program, Agriculture Policy Project,
Ward Sinclair Memorial Internship, and Education Outreach.
Alternative Agriculture News is available at the site, which will
also soon include information about and summaries of additional
publications: American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, Policy
Studies Program Reports, Occasional Papers, Annual Reports, and
the Henry A. Wallace Annual Lecture.  Visitors to the homepage
can e-mail messages to the Wallace Institute directly through a
link at the site.

     Sustainable Agriculture Network: SAN's new Web homepage
[http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/san/] features information about
sustainable agriculture, including on-line books, a database of
more than 1,000 research projects funded by the Sustainable
Agriculture Research and Education program, the Sustainable
Agriculture Directory of Expertise, information about SARE
grants, sustainable agriculture materials, and links to other
sustainable agriculture Web sites.  Visitors can search SAN's
publications and media resources.

     Sustainable Farming Connection: Two former editors of The
New Farm have launched the Sustainable Farming Connection
[http://sunsite.unc.edu/farming-connection], an interactive Web
site where farmers and others can find information about
production, marketing, commentary, news, action alerts, archived
materials, and links to other sites.  Discussion groups provide a
forum for farmers to ask questions, exchange tips, and share
information.  The Sustainable Farming Connection has been
supported by the Wallace Genetic Foundation.

  Ecological Agriculture Projects --long connected to McGill University in
Quebec now offers sustainable agriculture services and a World Wide Web
site at
http://www.eap.mcgill.ca; contact (514) 398-7771 or e-mail,

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Graduate Student
Cornell University

Mailing address (Aug. '96-July '97)

14 Home Street Apt. 202
Guelph, Ontario, N1H 2E5

E-mail: ng13@cornell.edu
