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Subscription Information For This Mailing List

Permaculture Mailing List at U.N.C.: permaculture@listserv.unc.edu

Here are brief subscription instructions plus a few urls for 
details about the U.N.C. listserver (uses the ListProc software).
Use this page to find out name & email ID you are subscribed with, 
in case you don't remember and want to unsubscribe from the list.

To subscribe to a list, either use the WILP page:
or more specifically:
At this URL you'll find the complete usage docs for UNC's Listserver:
or just start at http://help/unc.edu

Or manually subscribe by email:
Address your request to subscribe to permaculture to: 

i.e., send email to:
Leave the Subject: line blank. 

In the body of the message, type, if you're subscribing:
subscribe permaculture yourname
or, if you're unsubscribing type: 
unsubscribe permaculture yourname
(you can also use the words unsub or signoff)

For example: 
subscribe permaculture Bob Smith
unsubscribe permaculture Bob Smith

To post to all the subscribers of the list:

Send your article by email to:

Write down and save the email ID and name you subscribed with.
If you ever need to unsubscribe this info will be necessary.
This list is configured to only allow subscribers to 
post articles.

Contact: Lawrence F. London, Jr., london@sunsite.unc.edu, list owner 
with any questions, requests or suggestions.

 Lawrence F. London, Jr. - InterGarden - Venaura Farm
 mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu - mailto:llondon@bellsouth.net