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Permaculture in Mid Missouri

I have no "training"  I would like to learn more about permaculture.  
The most useful learning tool for me  would be books, are Bill Mollison's 
books a good starting point?  I'm convinced that even though permaculture 
has great ideas that could change the world it won't happen without 
unification (as you  state in a recent post).  Specifically what can 
each of us do to spread the word, get more people involved, if we don't then
all the 
effort may be in vain.  I think that I will print up some information 
sheets and start talking to people in my area, Mid Missouri, I know there 
are a few people around who share similar values.  I also think its 
important to reach those who don't have similar values, or have not yet 
considered that how we live our lives affects the health of the planet 
and the sustainability of mankind.  Without the cooperation of our 
communities we have nothing, simply walling ourselves off and saying that 
good ideas will catch on if they are good enough won't work.  People 
that I have talked to about what we can do to save the planet and 
ourselves, in general seem to be unaware that there are problems and when 
problems are pointed out they do not seem to grasp the magnitude and 
urgency of them.  I suppose unless it affects them personally or we 
educate them enough (I should include information about environmental 
problems and starvation in the info sheets I hand out) they 
will not understand.  I beleive that permaculture is a great concept and 
that it's time has come, and really want to help make the planet a safer 
more hospitable place to live.  I really need help in the Mid Missouri 
area to learn and then educate others.  If anyone knows anyone in the 
Jefferson City / Columbia Missouri area who would be helpful please let 
me know.  Person to person 
communication is one of the keys and is something I will attempt to do 
more of as I hope everyone will. I want to thank all those who have 
helped me to learn what I know about 
permaculture (which may not be volumes, but non the less has value to me 
and hopefully to others with whom I share what I have learned.  
Over the last year or so I have sampled this list and communicated with 
a few people,  thank you (speciffically to Dan H.) I want to make the next 
step and practice what I have learned.  If anyone in the Jefferson City / 
Columbia Missouri area is interested in working together and creating a 
more sustainble community please contact me.  I'm interested in starting 
organic gardens and have a tentative site at an elementary school here in 
Jefferson City, and would like to get as much volunteer help as possible 
and hopefully start or inspire more sites.  I think that growing organic 
food is a great way for kids to learn about the earth, eating healthy, and
compasion for others who are less frotunate.

Andrew Erb
