
Re: Ethics (announcement of permaculture-mg sister mailing list, sustag-principles)

> incongruity at times with a primary ethic of Permaculture; Care of People.
> While the techical information exchanged is important and of interest, to
> forget this important principle is a negation of that which makes
> Permaculture unique. Aren't the cultural, human designs relevant?  Isn't
> there a responsibility we have to examine what Care of People means whether
> it is about community responses to what we are doing and who we are or how
> we can further education towards the implementation of Permaculture systems
> wherever people are in need of this? (Everywhere!)  People are people with
> very real concerns and needs wherEVER they may be.  While certain of these
> subjects may be a bit 'beaten to the ground' at times, it is an injustice to
> the principles of Permaculture to deny the human element of sustainability
> to be discussed.

It would seem appropriate at this time to suggest that we start a new
discussion forum in the form of a sister mailing list to permaculture-mg
on the topic of the  principles of permaculture and the principles of
sustainable agriculture. I am making available a new unmoderated mailing 
list just for this purpose, sustag-principles. It is available now; 
subscription instructions follow.
This way those that primarily want hands-on permaculture technology talk 
can have their way in permaculture-mg; those that want to discuss the 
social, political, religious, cultural and legal issues related to
own sustag-principles. These guidelines are flexible, of course - I'm
suggesting a way we can make our conferences more useful to all who read
post to them.

As with permaculture-mg, sustag-principles will be processed, htmlized
and made 
accessable in an indexed, threaded, chronological archive in my
permaculture homepage.

Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/InterGarden
mailto:llondon@nuteknet.com  http:nuteknet.com/london  Venaura Farm

(save this information to a file for future reference)

sustag-principles mailing list USAGE:

TO SUBSCRIBE, send e-mail to almanac@ces.ncsu.edu 
   with the message:
   subscribe sustag-principles

TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send e-mail to almanac@ces.ncsu.edu with the message:
   unsubscribe sustag-principles

TO SEND A MESSAGE to everyone subscribed to the list, i.e. to submit 
   your article to the mailing list, send e-mail to:

TO RECEIVE MORE INFORMATION, on Almanac commands send e-mail
   to almanac@ces.ncsu.edu with the message:
         send guide
   The Almanac System Administrator for NCCES is:
If you have questions, requests, suggestions, problems of any sort
with the list or need help subscribing or unsubscribing contact 
Lawrence London at:

     london@sunSITE.unc.edu or london@nuteknet.com
