
Permaculture Resources


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/InterGarden
mailto:llondon@nuteknet.com  http:nuteknet.com/london  Venaura Farm
Title: Permaculture Resources

Information and Web Resources

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  • General Permaculture-Related Information
    Interesting thread on soil quality: | Soils in biological agriculture | Includes articles posted during 1994 & 1995

  • Post Information About Permaculture: permaculture@sunSITE.unc.edu
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    Organic Agriculture, Farmscaping, Permaculture & Bioregionalism

    and revised links collection |
  • Light Writings|The Way Of Nature|Biodiversity|Agriculture|Watershed-pages for Fukuoka, Jeavons, Jackson, Mollison and others
  • Keyline Designs - Water for Every Farm
  • Arizona Biological Control, Inc.
  • BOKU/IFL/Permakultur-Homepage
  • Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Farmer to Farmer
  • Welcome To The Cyber-Farm!
  • BioDynamic Farming and Gardening Assoc. Home Page
  • Permakultur Austria
  • Project BioNetwork
  • The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems
  • Virtual Orchard
  • Pond Hill Farm's Home Page
  • The Small Farm Resource
  • Permaculture in Western Australia
  • Patricia Ledlie Bookseller, Inc., books on conservation biology
  • Plants For A Future, online database of 7000 useful plants
  • Plants For A Future homepage
  • Welcome to The Earth Centre!
  • Margaret Van Emmerik's Home Page
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystems NEtwork (BENE)
  • Our Farm, A Community Supported Agricultural Project
  • USDA National Agricultural Library's Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
  • Send Email to NAL Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
  • USDA National Agricultural Library
  • Thilo Pfennig's Permaculture Page
  • Central Valley Permaculture Group
  • Practical Pollinator Homepage| |Send Email to Dave and Janice Green
  • Maine Green Pages | |Send E-mail to M.G.P.
  • Dreamtime Village & Xexoxial Endarchy
  • "Plants For A Future" Plants Database | | Email Lee A. Flier
  • Environmental Horticulture, Univ. of Florida
  • EnviroLink
  • Humbolt Sustainable Community Project - The Humbolt Nation
  • Finca La Mohea
  • United Kingdom - Oriented Permaculture Information
  • Phil & Janet's (Capetown, South Africa) Gardening Homepage
  • The Vetiver Grass Network
  • California Rare Fruit Growers Homepage
  • Practical Pollination Homepage | Send email to Pollinator
  • Community Supported Agriculture mailing list archives | Post to csa-l
  • Browse/download Gopher archives of individual csa-l messages
  • Community Supported Agriculture archives at sunSITE
  • Institute for Bioregional Studies
  • Permaculture Mailing List in the United States
  • Permaculture Mailing List in Western Australia
  • Community Supported Agriculture mailing list (csa-l), Email
  • Permaculture Guide at Communications for a Sustainable Future
  • Permaculture Archives at sunSITE
  • Permaculture Resources at sunSITE
  • The Sustainable Farmstead
  • Permaculture International Journal (Australia)
  • International Permaculture Institute (Australia)
  • Permaculture Global Assistance Network (Australia)
  • Permaculture in Western Australia
  • Permaculture in South Australia - "What's Happening in Permaculture"
  • Correspondence Course on Permaculture (Australia)
  • Permaculture Visions International's Correspondence Course (Australia)
  • British Permaculture Magazine/Permanent Publications Web Site
  • PermaWeb in Great Britain
  • Permaculture Association (Britain)
  • Bay Area Permaculture Group
  • Permaculture Institute of Northern California
  • Friends of the Trees
  • Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute in Texas
  • Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute in Texas, Email
  • Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, Email
  • Permaculture on "Mind*Body*Spirit" (South Africa)
  • Permaculture on Carmela's Home Page
  • Plants for a Future On-Line
  • Institute for Bioregional Studies
  • EcoVillage Information Service
  • Crystal Waters Permaculture Village
  • The Farm EcoVillage Training Center
  • Intentional Communities on the Web
  • Findhorn
  • Arcosanti
  • Auroville
  • Permaculture FAQ on the Web, HTML Version
  • Permaculture FAQ on the Web, Ascii Text Version
  • Johnny's Selected Seeds
  • Werner M. Gysi - "Harmonic Farming: a love style"
  • Carmela Leone's Permaculture Homepage | E-mail |
  • Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute (817-897-940)
  • Sustainable Agriculture Research Group, Wye College, UK | E-mail
  • Tree-House, Hometown Greening Initiatives Page
  • Margaret Van Emmerik's Homepage on Permaculture, Gardening and much more
  • Ocean Arks International | Email OAI
  • Solar Components Corp. - Kalwall products - aquaculture links | Email SCC
  • Domestic Water Treatment Methods Information
    old links list |
  • The Permaculture Hot Spots List
  • Permaculture Institute of Northern California
  • Institute for Bioregional Studies
  • Finca La Mohea
  • Permaculture International Ltd., Home of the Permaculture International Journal
  • The Sixth International Permaculture Conference and Convergence in Perth, Australia (1996) | Send Email
  • The Humboldt Horizons Project
  • Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute
  • Permanent Publications (Permaculture Literature Offerings)
  • Green and Growing: From the Ground Up
  • Design Earth Synergy & Earth Wave Directory
  • Skywebs: The Eco Expo
  • Cyndi Johnson's Garden Catalogs list
  • Fungi Perfecti
  • RotWeb
  • ARKive
  • Zap Power Systems
  • Sustainable Communities Network
  • Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Environmental Professional's Homepage - Information on agencies, regulations
  • Sal Schettino's Organic Gardening (from a farmer's perspective) Home Page
  • Friends of the Trees Society
  • Permaculture resources on the Internet
  • Lawrence London's Permaculture Homepage at sunSITE UNC
  • Carmela's Home Page
  • Permaculture Global Assistance Network
  • Internet Environmental Library
  • Friends of the Earth
  • The InterEarth Cafe:
  • The Raptor Center:
  • Beneficial Insects Handbook
  • The Findhorn Community
  • Just in Time:
  • Waste Policy Institute
  • The Tele-Garden:
  • The foundation center, Grant resources
  • United Kingdom-Oriented Permaculture Information
  • United Kingdom Permaculture Association Homepage
  • What's Happening in Permaculture
  • Permaculture International
  • Carmela Leone's (cleone@ozonline.com.au) Permaculture Page
  • British Permaculture Magazine
  • Plants For A Future
  • E-mail Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, brochure, 970-927-4158
  • The BioDynamic Association
  • Institute for Organic Agriculture at University of Bonn, Germany
  • Permaculture Links
  • West Australian Permaculture
  • Pete's Pond Page
  • Edward's Home Page
  • Mulch-based Agriculture Group
  • Sustainable Building Sourcebook
  • City Farmer
  • Permaculture Archives at sunSITE
  • Permaculture Resources at CSF & Permaculture Guide
  • Permaculture FAQ, text version 1.3 by Steve Diver
  • Permaculture FAQ, HTML version 1.3 by Steve Diver, markup by Michael Yount
  • Dwayne Jones-Evans' Permaculture Website
  • The Sustainable Farmstead
  • Permaculture Resources at sunSITE
  • EAC - Internet Resources, Europe
  • Dept. Plant Sciences Front Page (UK)
  • Finca La Mohea
  • United Kingdom - Oriented Permaculture Information
  • United Kingdom Permaculture Association Homepage
  • The Small Farm Homepage
  • Pest Management Research Centre - Earthworm FAQ, Earthworm BBS
  • Dwayne Jones-Evans' Permaculture Website
  • Findhorn Foundation Home Page
  • Heliciculture Homepage (escargot snail farming)Send Email
    | Miscellaneous Useful Links |
  • CGNET Services International
  • Community Alternative Technology Network "
  • 1995 and 1994 Environment Related Cornell News Service Stories"
  • Planet Earth Home Page-images, icons, flags
  • "UCLA Center for Clean Technology"
  • The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Architecture"
  • Yellow Mountain Institute Home Page
  • Envirolink Pre Home Page
  • The Progressive Directory @igc
  • Friends of the Earth Home Page
  • INC
  • Meta-Index for Non-Profit Organizations
  • Best Nonprofit Sites
  • Impact Online: Internet Info 4 NonProfits
  • Impact Online: Internet 101
  • Coyote Comm's: Tip Sheets 4 NonProfits
  • Solstice: Sustainable Energy and Development Online!"
  • Sustainable Agriculture on the Net
  • Sustainable Living Services"
  • Sustainable Living"
  • The CREST Guide to Alternative Energy
  • IGSHPA Geothermal Energy
  • Permaculture FAQ "
  • Bay Area Permaculture Group"
  • Permaculture International Homepage
  • Permaculture Resources at Colorado SF"
  • Permaculture Guide 825149321 "
  • Permaculture Archives, Larry London"
  • Permaculture and Organic Agriculture, Larry London"
  • Botany, Gardening, Farming, Horticulture, Landscaping Sites"
  • Botanical Museum, Helsinki
  • Natural Buildings for Natural Gardeners"
  • Fruit & Nut Trees for Your Permacultured Home"
  • Plants for a future"
  • Plants Publishing Web
  • Designing Edible Landscapes"
  • List of Plant Catalogs"
  • Books That Work Complete Guide to Garden Stuff"
  • The Virtual Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory at Purdue University"
  • Ocean Arks Home Page"
  • Ocean Arks - Publications and Courses"
  • The Arkive
  • The Edible Pond and Bog Garden
  • CCT Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • The Krib (Aquaria and Tropical Fish)
  • Aquaria Web Pages
  • CHOP: Cichlid Home Page
  • CHOP: Genus: Tilapia
  • Tilapia vorax
  • SWISS-PROT: P09319: Tilapia (Medical?)
  • Publications: Fishery: Tilapia: Texas Agri. Extension Service
  • 1995 Cornell News Service Stories: Tilapia
  • Harald's Home Page: German Guy's Tilapia Science Project Program
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