
Hale-Bopp Comet and Star Party !! (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 16:12:56 -0400
From: pferraro@cycor.ca
Subject: Hale-Bopp Comet and Star Party !!

Hale-Bopp Comet and Star Party 
Saturday April 5, 1997 
Spry Point, Prince Edward Island

The Hale-Bopp Comet is on its way to Prince Edward Island!

Come join us at Spry Point on the Island's eastern end this spring at a star
party extrordinare and a chance to view this outstanding comet whose
appearance may be the most spectacular celestial event of  the century.

Our deep-sky Hale-Bopp Comet and Star Party will take place April 5, 1997 on
a remote and beautiful 96 acre peninsula where the skies are black and the
sound of waves breaking against sandstone cliffs, surrounds you.

The event is sponsored by the Institute for Bioregional Studies and will
host astronomy lectures and an equipment swap during the peak viewing period
of the comet. Amateur and professional astronomers are invited to observe to
their heart's content, exchange stories, showcase telescope creations,
review the latest trends and techniques, and haggle for the best buys and swaps!

We will be holding this event at the Spry Point Ark in Little Pond, Kings
County, Prince Edward Island, halfway between Montague and Souris. It is
remote and free of light pollution. Star gazing conditions from this
location are excellent.

Mac Campbell, radio commentator for CBC Radio, will be our host for the
social events. Additional astronomers, including Dr. William Thurlow, are
being scheduled to interpret the skies and guide us through a spectacular
evening of science, celebration and fun.

A midnight buffet and entertainment will be included in the evenings events
in addition to scheduled astronomy discussions. 
	 	Star party veterans suggest the following tips:
	 	Bring your own instrument, if possible
	 	Be prepared for cold weather
	 	No flash photography
	 	Before using any telescopes, ask the owner
	 	Refrain from smoking around telescopes and observers
	 	Have Fun!

Join us for the evening or stay overnight. Rooms are available at discounted
rates or overnight guests can bring sleeping bags and foamies to bunk out,
dormitory style, in the Ark greenhouse. (Rooms are limited so be sure to
book a space early!)

A pre-registration fee of $35. (Includes midnight buffet) is required
*before* March 21st.

For more information call: The Institute for Bioregional Studies at: (902)
892 9578 or send an email to: pferraro@cycor.ca.
Phil Ferraro
Institute for Bioregional Studies
449 University Avenue, Suite 126           "Developing Local Solutions
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island            to Global Problems."
Canada   C1A 8K3
Phone:(902) 892-9578      email:pferraro@cycor.ca
Fax: (902) 687-2322
Write to IBS regarding our 1997 environmental programs.
See our home page at: http://www.cycor.ca/IBS/