
Natural Refridgeration


My name is Jan Snyder, I was certified in Permaculture design in 1995. 
I remember watching the permaculture video during the course, where I
saw a natural refridgerator that has always intrigued me.

I am now at First Light Organic Farm in Cape Cod Massachusetts, and we
would like to construct one, but I need help finding any literature on
them.  As I remember, the basic design is a pipe laid underground, where
the air is pulled up through an insulated cabinet and a circular vent on

Has anyone seen one, or designs?  My main questions are how deep and how
long the pipe must be, and for what volume of refridgerator space.

Thanks a lot, you can send any information to myself or Dave Dewitt at:


Jan Snyder

P.S. you can check out our web page at:
