
WebGarden Resources--Ohio State University--Factsheet Database

WebGarden Resources--Ohio State University
Factsheet Database
Plant Dictionary
Two excellent resources in the Ohio State University's WebGarden, provided
by OSU's
Horticulture and Crop Science in Virtual Perspective site, are the
Factsheet Database and Plant
Dictionary. The first is a browsable and searchable database of over 5,500
horticultural factsheets in
eleven categories ranging from flowers to perennials to trees and shrubs.
These factsheets have been
produced by over 40 (mostly university extension) institutions. The Plant
Dictionary is a searchable
and browsable ornamental plant database of over 1,400 "images and
horticultural descriptions for
385 unique species and numerous cultivars." Searching is available on
scientific, family, or common
name, and a small database of images relating to insects, diseases, or
culture of ornamental plants is
also available. [JS]