Local Food production (fwd)

Tom Hodges (sustag@beta.tricity.wsu.edu)
Sun, 9 Apr 1995 18:46:58 -0700 (PDT)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 13:30:56 WST
From: Warwick Rowell <warwick@bettong.eepo.dialix.oz.au>
To: Tom Hodges <sustag@beta.tricity.wsu.edu>
Subject: Local Food production

I will be interested to see the thinking on "foodsheds".

Perhaps the idea was first explored in any detail by Jane Jacobs
in her seminal book "Cities and the Wealth of Nations". Although
she was talking about much more than food, as well. Foodsheds may be
another name for bioregions? Certainly the focus of populations into
communities would have started with basic foods, as much as scarce
foods, such as salt, led to inter-regional trading, and commerce as

One of Permaculture's major tenets is that local production and
use and recycling of all sorts of resources is a systematic way of
building and maintaining a viable and durable culture. We focus on
home and neighbourhood production, and then direct links to producers
of other needs, such as grains.

The "extension" aspect of Permaculture is focused around lifestyle
and other changes at a more systematic level than just food. This
holistic approach diffuses slowly but there is apparently not nearly
as much "fad fadeout" as you see sometimes with narrower approaches.

Has anyone done/seen any work on the diffusion of lifetstyles?

| warwick.rowell@eepo.com.au |
| |
| Management Consultant Permaculture Designer |
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