about Test/permaculture

Emanuele John Gelsi (s100962@student.uq.edu.au)
Thu, 25 May 1995 17:45:56 +1000 (GMT+1000)

to Hiro Yamashita and other permaculture list subscribers.

Apologies for any distress.

My name is Emanuele John Gelsi and I have just joined the permaculture
I wrote an introductory message and a follow up message but the listserver
as I understand sent me messages saying something to the effect that it
rejected my messages. The problem, at least for a computerese illiterate
like me is that it doesn't tell you what you did wrong. Or, more likely I
don't understand what it is telling me. So I really hope this message
gets through. However, here we go again with my introduction.
I am currentrly doing a masters in Social Planning and Development at the
university of Queensland, Australia, and about 2 years ago I completed a
Permacurlture certificate course in Lismore NSW. I am currently doing a
piece of assesment on the state of sustainable agriculture in Australia,
and I was wondering if there is a data base about, or if anyone knows about
the geographic distribution of sustainable agriculture farms in
Australia. This would be useful in terms of understanding how
permaculture, organic farming and similar sustainable agricultures,
overlap with the distribution of socail and economic resources. I know
this is a bit fuzzy but I would like to see if there are any meaningful
patterns to be found.

There is a further message which I tried to send before but I will wait
till later to see if this message gets through.

Yours truly
Emanuele John Gelsi
Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology
University of Queensland