
Dennis Hilder (
Tue, 30 May 1995 12:08:02 WST

Geraldine Broadly and Sarah Crosby,
Earth Village Network, Postbus 1179, 1000 BD Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.

Congratulations and best wishes for your networking and support for
permaculture communities projects.
I am interested in keeping in touch and providing information
resources if I can. (Please advise your E-mail address - the
one cited in IPJ no. 55 has a syntax error.)

My 'dream' is to be part of society's learning to - "..... revise
our attitudes towards the land under our feet; ... accept the role
of steward and depart from the role of conqueror; ... [and] accept
the role that man and nature are inseparable parts of the unified
whole ...." (Olegas Truchanas).

At present, I am striving to bring this dream to fruition by taking
on direct responsibility for a small parcel of land (at Cuballing
Western Australia), and designing for water management structures,
tree-belts, food-producing ecologies, etc.; and then implementing
this in a practical way.


  Dennis Hilder                           Narrogin, Western Australia                    Tel/Fax +61 98 81 4055
                    P O Box 91, Cuballing WA  6311                   

_____Rural Development Forestry & Land Conservation Consulting_____