About Permaculture on the web

Warwick Rowell (warwick@bettong.eepo.dialix.oz.au)
Wed, 23 Aug 1995 10:30:20 WST

I replied direct to Graham, but got bounced. So I will post
here so everyone can see it.

>Hi Graham
>Warwick Rowell, from Permaculture in WA. I was in the UK three years
>ago for your annual get together, and met Andy, George, Simon, etc
>Like Cathy, I too have enjoyed your book.
>There is a little bit going on on the net about PC. Not the least of
>the problems is that PC covers so many damn areas! So for example,
>I have been but one of a number of fairly consistent contributors to
>and various other newsgroups (until just recently, when my supplier
>dropped his connection!)
>Most are on alt.sustainable.agriculture as this group is the result
>of a merger about two years ago of sust.agric and a very inactive
>permaculture group that ran as int.permacultur on pegasus and other
>APC networks(?)
>More recently there has been a bit of a dialogue going on on maxlife,
>frugal, sustainable agriculture education - (SAED), and Gil Hardwick has
>recently established Farmnet.
>In Western Australia, under the impetus of preparing for IPC6 in Sep 96:
>1. Lynne Naylor updated the international directory; Peter Austin
>(on behalf of PAWA) maintains this electronically; copies have been
>despatched back to the Journal and the Institute at Lismore.
>2. I have Emailed everybody possible on the directory (with only two
>bounces: Malaysia and Netherlands)) about IPC6.
>3. Started developing two WEB pages; one via Perma; a subscription group
>available through EEPO, and the other via Peter Austin at Edith Cowan
>University (who has been a key person in the LETS computer software
>development). I saw teh registration of Interest document on the Web
page last night.
>4. Been talking with Mike Smith in Canberra about doing more in PC
>networks; he has a great list of Pc subjects.
>5. Responded to the recent Rodale Institute enquiry; Peter has passed the
>Directory on to them, I have written to them about IPC6, passed on some
>material that I use for defining PC, and told them a little about my
>activities; PACE and the 140ha 70 housesite village I am developing.
>6. Posted notices of the IPC6 conference to all of the above groups.
>That's how it looks from this part of the world.. Hope this
>perspective helps. Any additions? Let's find out about what everybody else
>is doing and save inventing any unnecessary wheels.
| warwick.rowell@eepo.com.au |
| 20 Onslow Rd Shenton Pk 6008 Western Australia |
| Partner, Permaculture Applications Consultancy & Education |
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| Management Consultant Permaculture Designer |
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