Any advice on ponds and fish, please?
Fri, 8 Sep 1995 15:46:38 GMT


I wondered if anyone out there had any advice on growing (if
that's the right word) fish for home consumption.

My sister has spontaneously decided to come and help me dig a pond
in my narrow (25foot) but long (120ft) garden. Not being one to
look such a gift horse in the mouth, I wondered if I might be able
to grow fish to eat in said pond.

I have no idea if this is a ridiculous idea or not. If not, I have
no idea what sort of shape and size to make the pond and what sort
of fish would be suitable (the climate in Wales is pretty temperate)
and which would taste nice!

Any advice gratefully recieved (she's descending upon me in October,
so I have a month to plan!)


Tania Thorn