(no subject)

carmela leone (cleone@ozonline.com.au)
Sun, 24 Sep 1995 16:38:13 +1000

At 09:21 AM 9/23/95 -0400, Jeff Owens wrote:
> Hello, Are there any individuals out there who have incorporated
> permaculture concepts into their life?

You might find my Permaculture Design Course Project of interest.


> Can you really build communities without first
> developing the raw materials (people and lifestyles)?

Interesting question. Sounds like you are looking to develop a sustainable
community! My attempt to build a 'sustainable family unit' using
Permaculture principles might provide you with ideas.


'The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops,
but the cultivation and perfection of human beings'.
Masanobu Fukuoka - 'The One-Straw Revolution'
Carmela Leone
Email: cleone@ozonline.com.au
Home Page: http://www.ozonline.com.au/permaculture/welcome.htm
