Permaculture Webspace

Mike Smith P00297 - HICNET (
Mon, 16 Oct 1995 19:00:08 EDT

Hi guys,

Lawrence tells us:
We already have the following stable, permanent Internet permaculture

ftp site:

gopher site:

World Wide Web site:

e-mail ID at sunSITE, accessable from the webpage:

Internet mailing-list: (subscribe via
(Archives of this list are accessable via the webpage, ftp & gopher).
--end quote--

This is really great!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it would be months before we got
to this point. Now I want to get clarification on a couple of things:

Do the administrators of this server give "official" approval for us
to set up a significant site on their equipment?

Are they likely to change their mind and want money from us in the

Can we get guest login authority so that a few of us can do the
maintenance regardless of our global location?

Can we obtain a location in the server which is lower down the file
structure so that we arn't seen as a sub-set of sustainable agriculture
or just under the London wing (no offence intended Lawrence)?

Lawrence, are you willing to subordinate your current page to become
a component in the prime permaculture web presence?

It may also be possible to establish Dwayne's site as a mirror so that we
can reduce bandwith concerns accross continental links. What do you think
Dwayne. Also Dwayne, do you still have the offer of space on the machine

at Sydney Uni with the 10meg Aus-US link.

I had a look at the web space but it still needs content. I am envisioning a
space where we have an main web page with a "map" of links which is depicted
below (arrows are intended to indicate links to other pages, small points their
content and asters "*" the maintainer.

PermaNet Home Page
. Preamble/Intro
. Short description of the content of each link
* PermaNet Administration Collective (us)
-> General Resources Page
. Download web browser of choice
. Link to search engines
. Some of what Lawrence has on existing page
* Lawrence
-> Global Directory
. Permaculture groups/orgs by country, state, region with contact
* Maintained by Permaculture International Journal.
-> Permaculture Institute
. Course structure
. Policies & procedures
. Sylabuses for courses - Intro, Design, Advanced, Degree, etc.
. Local degree course moderators
. Contact details - postal address, location, phone, fax, etc.
* Permacuture Institute
-> Making Permaculture Work (Case studies)
. David Holmgren's Place at Hepburn Springs, Victoria, Australia.
. Village Homes, California, United States.
. Cuban Outreach project by Permaculture Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
. Malaney Community Credit Union.
* Mike Smith
-> Permaculture Shopfront
. Standard resources and merchandise for sale.
NOTE WELL: This should not be a centralised "mail order" type of system.
It should refer people to their LOCAL supplier.
* Us
-> Course Resource Material as FTP site
. Standard Course notes for people who want to run Intro and Design
courses as well as workshops.
. Scanned bitmaps for people to use in their material.
* Mike Smith
-> Reference Bookshelf
. Permaculture One
. Permaculture Two
. Bits of the Designer's Manual (Index, Intro and other teasers)
. Bits of Intro to Permaculture " " "
. Bits of Teaching Permaculture Creatively " " "
* Publishers, Authors and Us
-> Events and Convergences
. International Convergence 1996
. Continental Convergences
* Us
-> Archive of Permaculture-MG
. As seen on Lawrence's web page.

* Lawrence
-> Links to Affiliate Organisations
. Sustainable Agriculture
. Organics
. Bio-dynamics
* We do links they do pages
-> Publications
. Permaculture International Journal
. Permaculture Drylands Journal
. Permaculture Activist
. Regional "Group" publications
* We do links and provide space for them to do pages
-> Administrivia
. PermaNet Collective Mail List (how to contact us)
. Proposals
. Priorities
. Scope of Webspace
. To-Do List
. Volunteer List
. Project assignments
. Change Management
* Us
-> Tools
. HTML Jump Space
. Graphics Manipulation
. Society for the Preservation of bandwith graphics management
home page.
. Browsers
. Lotus Document Viewer
-> Testing Space
. Test web pages
. Test FTP stuff
. Test graphics
* Us

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is intended to indicate the scope of
the sort of thing I'm thinking about. Sort of a One-Stop-Shop for people
who have an on-going (or passing) interest in Permaculture.


Mike D. Smith, Canberra, Australia.
PermaNet---> HTTP://
Convenor, Permaculture ACT (Australian Capital Territory, Canberra) - PACT
Treasurer, Australian Centre for Environentally Sustainable Systems - ACESS
Chief Editor, The Mulch, Journal of Permaculture ACT - MULCH
E-mail Administrator, Health Insurance Commission, Aust. Fed. Gov. - HIC
X.400.............g=mike; s=smith; p=ausgovhic; a=ibmx400; c=au
PACT Address......PO Box 886, Civic Square ACT 2608, Australia
Home Address......10 / 12 Blackett Cres, Greenway ACT 2900, Australia
HIC Address.......PO Box 1001, Tuggeranong ACT 2900, Australia
ACESS Address.....49 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston ACT 2604, Australia
Phone (work)......+ 61 6 203 6040
Fax (work)........+ 61 6 203 6186

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" - Mollison