Permaculture Webspace / Mike Smith

Gene Thomas (
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 10:22:23 -0400 (EDT)

Wow, I think Mike Smith did a great job of outlining the all-in-one,
permaculture Internet resource. I would advocate continental mirrors for
the collection (more than just U.S. and AU). I wonder if the proposed
section titled "Making It Work (Case Studies)" couldn't also be a place
to make website visitors aware of design course graduates' (and others?)
permaculture projects. These projects might not be on as grand a scale as
Village Homes, etc., but would show a great multitude of efforts arising
out of Permaculture training. A number of these might already exist in
html land and would only require a link. Personally, it will require mere
minutes for me to update my homepage permaculture stuff to include a
paragraph about my mulch garden.

I agree that a shorter url would be a nice touch. What are we thinking?
Maybe something like


Gene Thomas
Permaculture Design Course Graduate of 6/95 (Mollison/Pittman)
Information Analyst
Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
2250 Pierce Road
University Center, MI 48710