Sustainable Vegetable Production (fwd)

Lawrence F. London, Jr. (london@SunSITE.UNC.EDU)
Wed, 13 Mar 1996 11:56:17 -0500 (EST)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1996 08:45:09 -0500 (EST)
From: Kevin Gamble <>
Subject: Sustainable Vegetable Production

Sustainable Vegetable Production information on the Web!

You can connect to this information using the following address:

You can find information on a number of topics and crops:

Sustainable soil management including organic mulches and fertilizers
Cover Crops
Conservation Tillage
IPM for Diseases, Insects, Nematodes and Weeds

Crops covered include:
Cucumbers, squash and melons
Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants
Sweet corn
Cole Crops

We are still adding images and links to other information on the web, but the
basic information (over 250 pages, with hundreds of references!) is already
there. A printed version will be available later this year, but in the
meantime, you are welcome to print out chapters or any other information that
will be useful.

I would like this to be an interactive resource with a 2-way flow of

Please think about how this resource could be improved in terms of format (or
anything you have found that doesn't work!) and send your comments to me

I am also interested in your comments on the content of the chapters. For
example, if you have found a particular practice works well, works with
modification or doesn't work in your area, let me know. I hope to be able to
add some of this material as 'comments' which would appear in separate boxes
or as links.

If you have your own webpages that you think would be useful additions, let me
know and I will links to your material.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Mary Peet <>