Mike Smith, Permaculture, Discussion Lists & Net Perma. Jour

Nigel Stewart (landsman@LCS.U-NET.com)
Tue, 28 Mar 1995 00:24:51 -0000

I'm involved with LETSgo Manchester, a project to develop city and regional
scale LETSystems [pleural] as well as many community and affinity systems.
We expect people to trade using their own set of perhaps 6 LETSystems out of
the several hundred or thousand active in any region. There's a lot of info
at the URL in my sig file.

I'm also active in "The Missing Link", a "meta-conversation" and a
partnership to author Web pages and to introduce people, businesses and
not-for-profit orgs to the Internet, especially the Web and email...basic
skills and access for all. "Virtual Manchester" appears on the Web as in my
sig file. There's a long way to go but the many interested contacts that
we've made that don't YET feature bode well. Drop in from time to time and
see how we're doing. We hope that the development of the business sector and
some community groups will start the ball rolling for all. It's very early
days yet.

With Web and LETSystems as communication, information and exchange resource
bases we all should be able to know what we're doing in the environment and
be able to afford to do something about it and see the results. A necessary
prerequisite for the development of a sustainable way of living. More on
this if you want it.

Nigel Stewart.