Permaculture Perth

Angus King (
Tue, 18 Apr 1995 19:44 AWST


If you mean Perth, Western Australia, then - Yes, there is an active
Permaculture group. The details are:

Permaculture Association of Western Australia (PAWA)
PO Box 430
Western Australia

Phone: +61 9 417 2274
Fax: +61 9 295 4627

The association numbers in excess of 800 members and exists to promote
permaculture in W.A. via monthly meetings, field days, workshops, design
exercises, ...

I am only a fairly recent member, both to the Internet and PAWA, but you
might try contacting Ross Mars on the net ( as an active
and "old time" member.

Hope this helps; Kind regards

Angus King (