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censored: not for vegetarians!!!

>>>OK OK if this snail talk is still rolling
lets get serious,
ONe warning about snails: they can carry a very dangerous
disease in Australia and perhaps elsewhere, called liver fluke.
Liver fluke gets on the vegies they crossed and unless you 
WASH all your produce you can get very ill and the doctors
won't always know what you've got.

lets look at how to eat them.  All vegetarians please quit the letter

You can eat native australian and the imported ones
there is no special breed - though there may be nasty ones 
internationally - let me know please on this.

You should breed snails for size and for taste just as you
do with selection for good plants species

you can breed snails on fleshy plants such as that weedy thing
agapanthus, even comfrey has some attraction.  keep the plants
and food organic and the snails will have that organic added value 
at retail.

purged the guts of snails before sale and before cooking and eating 
feed them organic mash of bran or similar bland cereal.
kill quickly and humanely in boiling water.

PS I don't like escargot and am a failed vegetarian.

From: 	Milogic@aol.com[SMTP:Milogic@aol.com]
Sent: 	Tuesday, 14 January 1997 6:54
To: 	p2119860@vmsuser.acsu.unsw.edu.au
Cc: 	permaculture-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: 	Re: practical use for snails?

Are they thin or thick shelled snails? The thicker shells, when boiled clean
and run a bit in a tumbler with a fine grit polish, make windchimes and other
decor. Slit the shells longitudinally about two thirds on a bandsaw or
lapidary saw, drill a hole in the top, hang a small nail inside, make a stout
knot to hold it down from the top a fraction and run the string up through
the hole to attach the shells to a light frame. Hang in the wind and enjoy
the delicate tinkling.

If that is too much like work, clean them (boiling is best) and grind them up
before putting the shells in your compost or simply scatter them around to
work in your soil. The finer the grind, up to powder (the best), the more
benefit from remineralization is possible. While I am not sure based on
personal experience, I have heard it said that the ground shell helps to
persuade snails to go elsewhere.

Milo Clark
Berkeley CA USA