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At 01:17 AM 1/20/97 -0800, you wrote:
>I have only recently discovered the "science" of biointensive
>(used because I know of no other proper term for this area of
>holistically approached composting, soil management, and plant growth
>that involves all sound and tested uses of microflora and fauna along
>with organic, composting, french intensive, vermiculture and other
>Likewise, should you know of any sources for a variety starter or
>innoculant cultures or other microflora and fauna for any aspects or
>phases of composting/soil development/farming/waste processing I would
>certainly appreciate receiving information and /or samples.  
>Industrial - Commercial - Municipal - Agricultural - Community 
>Waste Processing - Consulting Marketing & Distribution Services
>7500 Spalding Lane, Atlanta, Georgia 30350 Ph/Fax 770-392-1313
Hi CW, 
While at Michigan State a few years back I  took a soil pollution class and
had some pretty high powered profs. who did soil cleaning with bacteria;
their sourses were...
1. Most any healthy scoop of soil.  Contains a vast array of microbes which
will proliferate if you give them the right food and compost along happily.  
2. A little sample of something nasty they had to deal with from some site.
Then they looked for anything that was still alive and feed it extra sugars
etc. so it had lots of energy.  Lots of times these bugs could metabolize
the nasty stuff, thats all that kept them alive.  Often the real key was
then providing the proper food and environment (areobic or anerobic.)
The larger point here is that we as composters probably have a good
field/garden where we can get a scoop of soil and add it to the compost to
get it started.  I have been known to add spoiled sugar, molasses  and/or
road kill for energy  and trace elements.  The bugs are there, you just need
to feed them.  