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ICSUFS (please distribute) (fwd)

International Conference on Sustainable Urban Food Systems
Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada:
     May 22-25, 1997

Sponsored by:
Ryerson Centre for Studies in Food Security
in cooperation with
International Development Research Centre, IDRC
Toronto Food Policy Council
Food Share, Metro Toronto
Oxfam Canada
Toronto Food Research Network

Program Outline and Topics:
The International Conference on Sustainable Urban Food Systems is designed
to encourage maximum participation to gain comparative insights, to develop
analytical frameworks and to identify practical strategies for designing
sustainable urban food systems.

Plenary Panels:
      Urban Food Systems and Food Policy for the 21st Century,
      TIM LANG, Centre for Food Policy, Thames Valley University, London, UK

      IDRC Development Forum: Urban Agriculture Around the World:
      VANDANA SHIVA, Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Natural
      Policy, Dehradun India (tbc)
      MAGDA MONTES, Ministerio de la Agricultura, Insituto de
Investigaciones de Citricos,
      Habana, Cuba
      SEYDOU NIANG, IFAN, Dakar Senegal (tbc)
      MICHAEL HOUGH, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada

      Challenges of Designing Local Food Systems
      HARRIET FRIEDMANN, Dept. of Sociology, University of Toronto, Canada

For further information and updates, or if you wish exhibit space, contact:
*Jennifer Welsh [Nutrition] (416) 979 5000 ext. 6931
*Mustafa Koc    [Sociology] (416) 979 5000 ext. 6210
                            fax: (416) 979 5273

Address: Centre for Studies in Food Security, Ryerson Polytechnic University,
Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2K3 Canada

visit our Web site: http://www.acs.ryerson.ca/~foodsec/sufs.html

REGISTRATION            Before March 31       Late/On-Site
Regular                     $150 Cdn.           $180 Cdn.
Student                     $ 75 Cdn.           $ 90 Cdn.
IDRC Development forum only $ 10 Cdn.           $ 10 Cdn.
Saturday only               $ 60 Cdn.           $ 60 Cdn.

Pre-conference tours on Thursday, May 22, 1997 starting at 2pm.
Each tour costs $20 per person.

      Greening the City I: Roof Top Gardens tour
      Greening the City II:Community Gardens tour
      Multicultural Toronto: Kensington Market and Chinatown tour
      Hunger in the City: Emergency Food Services
      Alternative Access: Food Coops and Field to Table

In recent decades, demographic and economic growth threatening the limits of
economic, social,and ecological sustainability have raised questions about
food security at the global level. Despite modernization of the conditions of
food production and distribution, hunger and malnutrition are still threatening
the health and well being of millions of people all around the world. Far
from disappearing, hunger and malnutrition are on the increase including
advanced industrialized countries like Canada. The reality of hunger and the
the low sustainability of the current practices, both locally and globally,
make food security an essential concern.

Food security has been a particular concern for urban populations. In the
twentieth century, urban growth has reached unprecedented levels in most parts
of the world. Limited access to land, commodification of the agri-food system,
changing working conditions, and regulations set by the local governments
have created obstacles for urban food production and turned the majority of
urban populations into consumers of food. These urban consumers are
increasingly dependent on a global food system. Uneven distribution of
resources, poverty and changes in economic structures have made access to
food a priviledge only some can enjoy. Structures that define the
conditions of production, distribution, and marketing often ignore unique
local needs and the potential to develop efficient and accessible local food

The Conference aims to develop a conceptual and practical framework for a
sustainable urbanfood system. The topics of discussion cover a wide
variety of issues including:

          local food systems and food security; urban and community
          agriculture; economics of food systems; food policy and politics of
          food; mechanisms for developing local sources, markets and
          capacity; women in the food system; hunger; income and food
          insecurity; food banks; recycling ideas and composting "wastes",
          health and environmental concerns and sustainability; youth
          initiatives for sustainable food systems; food choices.

This is not a conference of just "experts". ICSUFS brings together
academics, policy makers, practitioners, community organizers and people
from all walks of life who are concerned with food security issues.

ICSUFS also brings together representatives from the South and the North to
shareglobal concerns about food security and information about local
and indigenous initiatives for sustainable food systems.

ICSUFS invites input from a wide range of agencies involved in the food system.
There will be a number of panels with representatives of NGOs, government,
business, and philantrophic organizations to discuss how they can contribute
to sustainable food systems.

Sustainability implies a responsible use of resources that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs. ICSUFS is aims to bring a high level of youth
participation at the conference.