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A family tree for the family tree

Subject: A family tree for the family tree (fwd)

	Not my particular interest... Do you feel like forwarding to the 
perma list?

It's like a green virus! :-)


Dear Mr Donaldson:

My name is Tania Smith.  I have always been extremely interested in 
wildlife and the environment.  At the moment I am involved in a Personal 
Development Program, part of which is to take on a project that will make 
a difference in the community.  The project that I have taken on is "A 
family tree for the family tree".  As the various members of my family 
are spread all over Australia, making it very difficult to get together, 
I decided that if we could all do something on one day (that made a 
difference) then we would be able to do something without having to be 
physically together.  We have decided that each member of my immediate 
family (and their immediate families) will plant a tree (preferrably 
native) in their backyard or whereever.  This way we can begin to make a 
difference to the environment, without thinking "how can we save the 
planet, we are only a small number of people".  Many other people from my 
course, work and other organisations that my family are involved in have 
also taken on this project (growing and spreading just like a tree).

Why I am writing to you, is to ask if your members would like to become 
involved in planting a tree with their families?  If anyone would and 
they would like some information, please contact me on 
pasmith@tempest.com.au.  I would love to hear from anyone who decides to 
plant a tree on May 10.

Look forward to hearing from you all.

Tania Smith