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Sierra Club Homepage


Lawrence F. London, Jr.
Title: rightframe

Protect America's Environment.
For Our Families, For Our Future

The Sierra Club is a non-profit member-supported, public interest organization that promotes conservation of the natural environment by influencing public policy decisions--legislative, administrative, legal, and electoral.

In the June issue of the Planet:
Timber!! - A Planet special report on the hundred year anniversary of the Organic Act, the law which first authorized logging in America's Forest reserves.

In this month's Sierra:
Backyard Pharmacopoeia - Is there a doctor in the garden?

In our issue area: Clean Air
The EPA is proposing new air quality standards for smog(ozone) and particulates. Find about the science behind the new standards and the health benefits of the proposed new standards.

Chapter Spotlight
The Ventana Chapter - The virtual outing is a cool feature. Don't forget the real chapter outings!

Join the Sierra Club or give a gift membership online today!

Sierra Student Coalition
Environmental Education
Sierra Club History
John Muir
Human Rights and the Environment
Sierra Club Job Listing
Other Environmental Links
Critical Ecoregions Program
Clean Air
Ancient Forests
Global Warming
Nuclear Waste
Conservation Policies

This homepage is updated every Friday

Sierra Club, 85 Second St., Second Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105-3441, USA. Telephone (415) 977-5500 (voice), (415) 977-5799 (FAX). Sierra Club® and One Earth, One Chance® are registered trademarks of the Sierra Club.

If you have problems or comments concerning our WWW service, please send e-mail to: webmaster@sierraclub.org.

For general Sierra Club questions or information, post a message to newsgroup alt.org.sierra-club or send e-mail to information@sierraclub.org
For member address changes, send e-mail to address.changes@sierraclub.org

This webpage is a service brought to the general public by the Sierra Club's William E. Colby Memorial Library.

Copyright © 1997 Sierra Club


[Blue Ribbon]