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FWD from Michelle Miller- Web sites (fwd)


This looks like a good updates list of great sus ag web sites. Apologies if
you have seen it elsewhere.

Nancy GS

>rom: "Michelle M. Miller" <mmmille6@facstaff.wisc.edu>
>Subject: web sites
>>       Sustainable Agriculture Web Sites*
>>Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
>>The Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN)
>>North Central Region SARE
>>Northeast Region SARE
>>Southern Region SARE
>>Western Region SARE
>>Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education in the Field: Proceedings
>>of a Workshop on SARE
>>Government Sites
>>United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
>>USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
>>USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
>>Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Quality Information Sheets
>>Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) Home Page
>>Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
>>National Agricultural Library
>>Water Quality Information Center
>>Nonprofits and Institutes
>>American Farmland Trust
>>Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFFS)
>>Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
>>Center for Sustainable Agriculture
>>University of Vermont & State Agricultural College
>>Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (CSAS)
>>Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
>>University of Nebraska-Lincoln
>>The Committee for Sustainable Agriculture
>>Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (CSANR)
>>Washington State University
>>Farm Resource Management Services (FaRMS)
>>The Vermont Dairy Profitability Project
>>Green and Growing Education Projects, Inc.
>>>From the Ground Up
>>Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources (IANR)
>>The Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture Inc.
>>Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture
>>Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture
>>Nebraska Sustainable Agriculture Society
>>New Uses Council
>>North Central Institute for Sustainable Systems
>>Rodale Institute
>>University and Cooperative Extension Sites
>>Agroecology/Sustainable Ag Program at the University of Illinois
>>American Society of Agronomy
>>Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development(CIIFAD)
>>North Dakota State University Extension Service
>>The Northwest Berry & Grape InfoNet
>>Oregon State University Extension Service
>>Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
>>The Pennsylvania State University Department of Horticulture
>>Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Vegetable Production Systems
>>Pro Crop, North Dakota State University Extension
>>Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Tomato Project
>>Soil and Water Conservation Society
>>Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project (SAFS)
>>Sustainable Agriculture at Michigan State University
>>Sustainable Agriculture at The University of Maine
>>Sustainable Practices for Vegetable Production in the South
>>North Carolina State University
>>University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
>>Program (SAREP)
>>The University of Minnesota and the Minnesota Extension Service (MES)
>>Manure Education and Research
>>Commercial Sites
>>agAcess: The Agricultural Information Service
>>Bullfrog Films, Inc.
>>Lists of Links about Sustainable Agriculture
>>Links to Sites Related to Sustainable Agriculture
>>Sites related to Sustainable Agriculture
>>Sustainable Agriculture page designed by students at the University of
>>California, Davis
>>Sustainable Earth Electronic Library
>>Integrated Pest Management
>>Landscape Ecology and Biological Control Laboratory
>>Michigan State University
>>National Integrated Pest Management Network (NIPMN)
>>National IPM Network, North Carolina Component
>>Pest Management at the Crossroads
>>International Sites
>>Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
>>International Conference on Agricultural Production and Nutrition
>>Boston, Massachusetts, March 19-21, 1997
>>International Development Research Centre
>>International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM)
>>Multi-National Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture (MESA)
>>Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food
>>Sustainable Agriculture and Ecological Agriculture, Swedish
>>United Nations Development Programme Sustainable Human Development
>>World Sustainable Agriculture Association
>>Other Sites of Interest
>>Biodynamic Association of America
>>CowTown America
>>Don't Panic Eat Organic
>>Living on the Earth with Bill Duesing
>>Midnet Organic
>>New Crop Systems Online
>>Ox-OASIS -- Ox Organic Agricultural Self-sufficiency in the States
>>Owenlea Holtsteins:  A comfortable place for dairy farmers to go on the
>>* This partial list of World Wide Web sites pertaining to sustainable
>>agriculture was generated in April 1997.  Inclusion of a site on the list
>>does not constitute endorsement of the site by the Sustainable
>>Agriculture Network (SAN), nor does it imply that other sites are not
>>suitable.  To change entries on-line, visit the SAN web site at
>>Andy Clark, Ph.D.
>>SAN Coordinator
>>c/o AFSIC, Room 304
>>National Agricultural Library
>>10301 Baltimore Ave.
>>Beltsville, MD  20705-2351
>>PH:  301-504-6425
>>FAX: 301-504-6409
>Michelle Miller
>1575 Linden Drive
>Madison,WI  53706
>FAX  262-5217
>Home Office 608/255-1503
>Home Fax     608/255-5885

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Graduate Student
Cornell University

Mailing address (Aug. '96-July '97)

14 Home Street Apt. 202
Guelph, Ontario, N1H 2E5

E-mail: ng13@cornell.edu
