
Re: Holding steady under fire/Harassed Permies

In a message dated 97-01-14 09:56:07 EST, Elfpermacl writes:

<< During the civil rights movement, when white people were accepted as
having an equal interest in civil rights, I was a body guard for Martin
Luther King when he came to Boston.  >>

Dan, how can you mention working for Martin Luther King, and suggest violent
retaliation in the same breath.  What made Dr. King so powerful was his
strength and courage not to lower his movement to that level.  Yes he's dead
and the maggots have had their fill, but what an inspiring legacy he left for
all of us. These "Rednecks" won't change if you throw hand granades at them,
and don't forget you end up living next to them, with an air of paranoia and
fear.  What do you do when you bump into them in the grocery store? As you
both turn away in shame for your stupid actions?
And... as for your somewhat arrogant comment that I don't know anything about
these things, I have experienced this in another way.  My wife and I bought a
house across the street from a major Crack house in Berkeley... Reverse Urban
Rednecks? We didn't know it at the time. They soon became quite hostile
towards us, swearing at us , throwing bottles at our house, smearing dog shit
on a door. These were pathetic people, I couldn't bring myself  to respond
like that. A lot of other nasty stuff was going on. And these were dangerous
people, guns, you bet.
Anyway what finally happened was the whole neighbor hood rallied together and
we let them know we weren't going to take it anymore. We raised the standard
of the neighborhood, which was happpening anyway.  One day a U-Haul showed up
and they were gone.  
My point is, I could not act like an idiot, just because they were
confronting me that way. Patience helped alot. Dan think about it. Did the
civil rights movement go right over your head so you thought you'd give
permaculture a go ?
Apologies to the list for going off subject a bit...