
Ecodesign/Organic Ag./Hemp/Solar


A special edition from the editor's of The Green Disk: a journal
of contemporary environmental issues. Included are four sections
outlining the transformation of design, energy systems,
agriculture, and materials flow necessary for a positive future: 

      o   Ecological Building and Design   
      o   Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
      o   Wood Conservation and Alternative Fibers
      o   Renewable and Clean Energy

This 1400 page volume is a comprehensive guide to the
organizations, agencies, projects, campaigns and companies that
are the vanguard on the path to sustainability. Included are over
200 full text articles and 3,000 resource listings -- references,
publications, videos, WWW sites, products and more.
THE GUIDE TO A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE is published on disk in
Macintosh and IBM editions, and includes a user interface for
reading and keyword searching. The disk, manual, and packaging
are all made of 100% recycled content. 

The Green Disk has been featured by Mother Jones, E Magazine,
Alternatives, Earth Island Journal, Wild Earth, The Green Money
Journal, Information Today, Solar Today, The Green Business
Letter, National Public Radio, and many others.  

A detailed introduction to the guide is posted at our Web site
http://www.igc.org/greendisk. The Guide is US$35 postpaid, US or
Intl. Payment is by VISA/MC or a US bank check. Phone/fax your
order toll-free 1-888-GRN-DISK (Outside North America phone/fax
+1-207-351-1934) or by email to <greendisk@igc.org>. Order by
post from: The Green Disk, POB 32224, Washington, DC 20007.

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