
Re: TH: Tree Micropropogations - Addendum

 Post-To: Tree-House@Majordomo.Flora.Com (Community Forestry) ----------
Addendum -

For propagation of trees by vegetative methods, as well as seeds, an
excellent resource is:
"The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation" by Michael Dirr and
Charles Heuser. Varsity Press. 0-942375-00-9, $31.95.  

For simple, clear illustrations, a good book is:
"Creative Propagation. A Grower's Guide" by Peter Thompson. Timber Press
0-88192-251-X, $22.95.

These can all be ordered from your local bookstore, or directly from
Timber Press, 133 SW Second Ave, Suite 450, Portland OR 97204.

Note: I have no commercial interest in these books or the publisher.

Tom Kimmerer
Forest Biologist
University of Kentucky
606-257-1824 (phone)
606-323-1031 (fax)
